After the Rain

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Willow heard the rain beating against the roof of Angel's new apartment. She listened with half an ear as Spike and Angel continued to argue and fight. They were worse than the children she saw in the park sometimes. She and Spike had come to LA to retrieve some books from Angel for Giles. She hadn't really wanted to come, knowing that every time she came to see Angel she left more confused than she was before, and Spike had been vehement in his refusal. But when she had suggested having the handsome vampire send them UPS, you'd have thought she started World War 3 from Giles' reaction. She had been promptly told that these books were quiet old and could likely deteriorate in the shipping. So, she had been drafted to pick them up. Spike had reluctantly agreed to accompany her to keep her out of trouble. She almost snorted at that. He just wanted to visit Angel and make sure his sire knew about Buffy's love for Riley and their new engagement. She had had to live with Spike for eleven months now so she was growing very use to his thinking. She couldn't believe it had been almost eighteen months since Spike had been implanted and had started helping them. Upon Buffy's moving in with Riley sophomore year and her moving back home, Spike had become her roommate. She honestly didn't mind except for the growing feelings she was having for the sexy vampire. The stubborn vampire that saw her as a child and a shadow of the slayer.

She suddenly froze as she heard Drusilla's name, again. She glared at Spike, hating the passion and love she saw in his brilliant blue eyes. Love for a woman that had left him not once but three times. She only could dream that he would say her name with such passion one day. She glanced at Angel and saw him watching her, his eyes sympathetic. Great. Just fucking great. Angel knew her secret and pitied her. She stood, knocking the magazine to the ground. "Why don't you just shut up?"

Spike turned, surprised by her outburst. He had finally drawn blood, so to speak, during his argument with his sire. Mentioning Dru always made the poof feel even more guilty. Why had she ruined it? "Stay out of it, kid. Run along and play with your books why don't you?"

Willow drew in a breath, "Fuck you. Angel, I don't mean to be rude, but excuse me. I need a drink."

Spike watched her leave, his eyes narrowed. "Damn stupid chit. Telling me to fuck off. If I could, I'd drain her so fast she wouldn't even be able to breathe....insulting me like that."

"Just shut up Spike" Angel said, rolling his eyes. He knew Willow was in love with his oblivious childe. Any fool could see it. Must be why Spike was still in the dark. He could see that Spike was affected by her too, though he wasn't sure how. He liked Willow. Hell, she was the only one he could stand to see really. She had always accepted him so easily, forgiving him anything. Now she was wandering LA in a bad mood and looking for a drink. He sighed, moving to the door. "Don't wait up."


He found her within ten minutes thankfully. It was raining badly and he was soaked. She had found Malone's, the bar right down the street from him. He sat on the barstool next to her, his leg touching hers in the crowded place. He tried to ignore the desire that ran through him at the simple touch. She turned and looked at him, her expression weary and confused and lost. He wanted to reach out and hold her, knowing exactly what she was feeling. The same things he felt whenever he was around Spike. The love, desire, and every other emotion possible that existed between him and his favorite childe. He had loved William as Angelus. As Angel, he loved Spike. The blonde haunted his thoughts, his dreams, his memories. He understood too well what Willow was going through. "Hey"

Willow glared at Angel, "Why don't you just leave me alone? Isn't it bad enough that you pity me, do you have to come here now and remind me that I'll never have him?"

Angel thought of many ways to respond to her question. Some hopeful, some honest, some jealous. Instead, he took her hand and said, "Let's find a table. I'm thirsty."


Willow giggled as she took another drink from the bottle. She saw Angel set his shot glass down and asked, "Was it good?"

"Uh huh" he replied, staring bleary eyed at the pile of glasses in front of him. "They're multiplying."

"Like bunnies" she said, nodding her head. She took another long drink, feeling the alcohol burn its way down her throat. "He makes me so mad."

Angel looked at her, mesmerized by how pretty she was in the pale neon lights from the bar. He nodded, "Yep. Me too. He tries to ignore....."

Willow looked at Angel, seeing the soft look on his face. She listened as his words drifted off. "Ignore what?"

"Me...what we once had...." Angel frowned as he downed another shot.

"Oh" Willow said, giving that one little weird a new meaning. She looked at

Angel with jealous eyes. She had forgotten about Angelus and Spike, always concentrating her hatred on Drusilla. "At least you had him...."

"You love him" Angel said, watching her face.

She nodded, "How could you not? I mean, he's irritating, stubborn, sexy, smart, and those eyes and that voice....I watch him sometimes" she admitted, her face flaming in the dim lights of the bar. Angel leaned forward, listening intently. "When he's sleeping. He uh sleeps nude....I just sit in the chair beside his bed as he sleeps. He is so perfect, it scares me sometimes. Yet, so far from perfect it is fantastic. He murmurs in his sleep a lot. Soft words that I lean closer to hear, never quite making them out. The only time I can get close to him is when he's sleeping. That's when I can imagine crawling into bed with him and just laying in his arms....pretending that he wants me."

Angel began to laugh, "Oh, Red....he wants you. Trust me on that one."

"Does not" Willow insisted, flashing back over the last year. Most the time, Spike was barely able to tolerate her much less lust for her. Angel was full of it.

"Willow, he wants you. If he says otherwise, he's full of shit" Angel said, taking another drink. He saw the faint blush on her cheeks and smiled. He wasn't sure it was the alcohol or the topic of conversation, but she was ravishing when she was blushing. His demon decided to have a little fun as they continued drinking.

Willow didn't believe Angel. He was trying to make her feel better. She let her finger trace the rim of her glass, the remains of her drink wetting it.

She glanced up in shock as Angel giggled.

"You know, Spike shudders and does this cute little 'gnk' sound" Angel's face twisted in a bizarre imitation of the blonde as he wriggled in his chair, "when you stick your tongue up his ass."

"Do you really think you should be sharing this with me?" Willow slurred, wondering just how much Angel had had to drink. She tried to forget the heat that rushed over her at the mental image of Angel licking Spike's ass as the vampire smirked at her.

"You're my vewwy best fwiend Willow" Angel said, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Who else could I share it with? Sides, you appreciate it..."

"Fine then....share away" Willow urged, listening as Angel remembered in loving detail various things about Spike and his sexual quirks. She shifted on the chair as the liquid pooled between her thighs. Outside, the rain continued.


Spike looked up, a frown on his handsome face as his sire walked in the apartment with his arms around Red. His Red. Anger flared as the scent of alcohol reached him. He frowned, wondering if they had fallen into a brewery. "Where the bloody fuck have you been?"

"Dwinking" Angel said, looking at Willow as they both started laughing.

"For half the fucking night?" Spike demanded, his eyes narrowing at the familiar way Angel's hand caressed Willow's shoulder.

"Fucking night?" Willow repeated, smiling at the blonde before looking at Angel. "What a splendid idea....."

"Good god, you're both drunk" Spike said in disgust, glaring at them again.

He had been worried about them after they hadn't returned for four hours. Four fucking hours he had paced and stared out into the rainy night wondering where they were. They had been off getting drunk together. Figures.

"Drunk on you" Angel said, walking rather slowly into the room. "Kiss me, Spike."

Spike froze, his eyes unreadable. "Shut the fuck up, Peaches. You're bloody drunk. Go sleep it off."

"He won't kiss me" Angel said, looking at Willow and pouting. "See? He ignores me too," Angel suddenly brightened, "Maybe he'll kiss you. Kiss Willow, Spike."

Spike groaned, glaring at them both. "Both of you need to sleep. Stupid idiots. Running around in the rain drunk. You're both soaked to the skin. You may be dead, Peaches, but Red can still get sick. Do you good to remember that."

"Sick?" Willow asked, her high starting to wear off a bit. She looked down at her clothes and saw just how wet they were. "Oh...I'm wet."

Angel chuckled, smelling her arousal. "You soon will be, love. Why don't you take those wet clothes off?" Seeing her startled look, he smiled, "Just cause Spike won't have fun, doesn't mean we can't."

"Touch her and die" Spike said quietly, his eyes raging as he stared at Angel.

Willow thought it a rather good idea actually. She was a virgin still and who better to take her virginity besides Spike than his sire? She began to unfasten her wet clothes as the two vampires continued glaring at each other. She soon stood nude beside them, her wet clothes piled on the floor. She was still cold and knew the warm cover on Angel's bed would feel heavenly. "I'm ready if you boys are...."

Spike turned to glare at her, freezing as he took in her naked form. She was beautiful. He felt his cock harden instantly as his eyes roamed over her. He watched her impish grin as she turned, sashaying to his prick of a sire's room, her cute ass wobbling as she stumbled from the alcohol. He felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up into suddenly sober eyes. "What?"

"She loves you. If you hurt her, I'll kill you" Angel said, smiling. "Missed you Spike."

Spike looked back to the room, knowing that everything he had dreamed about for the past year and a half waited in there. Willow and Angel together. He had lost count of how many times he had woken up, his cock hard and aching after another dream of having them both. "You care about her?"

Angel laughed shortly, "I love her, as I love you. Now, it's your choice. What do we do?"

Spike smiled, "She's waiting in there for us, Peaches. Why the hell are we out here?"


Willow felt a cold hand on her arm and looked up into blue eyes. She snuggled closer, her leg around his waist. She felt a cock against her backside and shifted, knowing Angel had woken up. She sighed in contentment as his hands moved over her ass, reaching around to delve into her wet cunt. She was completely sober now. Her alcoholic daze had vanished the night before when they had come into the room, hard and ready for her. She had experienced things she had only ever read about. The three of them had fucked and held and talked all night and into the morning. She had witness the cute little shudders that Spike gave and also saw the glimpses of Angel's demon as it came out to play. She loved it. Loved them. They had opened her eyes to a new world. During the night, they had moved their newly formed triangle onto the roof, the brick still wet from the rain. As the final drops of mist had fallen, she had made love to them both under the moon. After the rain, they

had gone downstairs again moving to the bed. She had never slept as soundly.

"Please" she whispered into Spike's chest as his fingers twisted her nipples and Angel's fingers pushed deeper into her wetness. She felt a thumb roughly rub her clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body.

"Please what, luv?" Spike asked, winking at Angel. He let his free hand drift to his hard cock, stroking himself in time to Angel's fingers.

"Fuck me...god damn you, fuck me" Willow demanded, feeling Angel's cock against her ass. She ground her cheeks against him, her need to cum overwhelming her.

"With pleasure" Spike said, moving Angel's wet fingers out of the way. He pushed his cock into her, watching as Angel moved the wet hand to her ass, getting her ready for his large cock. He felt her fingernails rake over his chest as he thrust into her.

"Oh god" Willow groaned in pleasure and pain as Angel sunk into her. She felt herself breaking in two from them both. She felt lips against her neck as Angel nipped at her flesh. Spike's mouth found hers, catching her groans of pleasure as they began to move inside her. She was soon thrusting against them both, orgasm after orgasm blending together. She lost all sense of time and reality as she writhed in pleasure between them.

Spike felt her tighten around him...could feel his sire's cock through the thin flesh separating them. He sunk into her, his teeth finding home in her

neck as he sent his seed into her. Angel's hands tightened around his ass as his sire too came, biting into his shoulder at the force of his release. Spike felt Willow collapse between them, her breathing ragged and hurried. He looked at her face, smiling at the look of satisfaction in her green eyes. How had he ignored her for so long? She was more than he deserved. He heard a clap of thunder and realized it was raining again. Smiling, he kissed her tenderly. "Morning, pet."

" I going to get woken up that way every morning?" Willow asked, looking back and kissing Angel before facing Spike again.

"We'll see" Angel said cryptically, chuckling against her neck as he lapped at the wound his childe had made.

"Promises, promises" Willow said, snuggling between them and sighing in contentment.

"Maybe we should go out and get something for you to eat" Spike said, hearing her stomach grumble.

"Not's raining" she said, her fingers drawing lazy circles on his chest as she looked at him, her eyes filled with love and desire.

He laughed, "Ok, pet. After the rain then...."

She beamed, moving to straddle his hardening cock. She saw the love in his eyes and in Angel's and felt as if she had just been given the world. "After the rain...."