Two Can Play That Game

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Willow had arrived six minutes early for her train. True, it would have been ten but it had taken her three and a half minutes to figure out that she had to walk through the brick column in order to be at the correct platform. Luckily, a very nice older woman had showed her how to find the appropriate place, and she'd struck up a conversation for the length of the trip to Hogsmeade. Upon arrival in the wizarding community, she'd been met by a rather large, gruff seeming man that introduced himself as Hagrid. During the coach ride to Hogwarts, she'd realized the man's rough exterior was deceiving because he proved to be a friendly and amiable sort. By the time they'd arrived, she'd been laughing and had made a new friend. He was her first friend in her new life that had officially begun when she'd boarded the train. She'd been thinking that her new life was starting when she'd left her friends in Chicago and flown to London, but she couldn't bring herself to consider her evening of pleasure with Draco as part of her new life. It had had to be considered the past, a memory that she would bring out on lonely nights and cherish as she moved her hands over her body and remembered his scent and taste and the feel of his hands. So, that decision made, her new life began when she boarded the train to Hogwarts. And Hagrid was her first new friend in this new chapter of her life.

Her first impression of Albus Dumbledore was that he was everything that came to mind when you imagined a wizard. He wasn't very tall, had white hair and twinkling eyes as well as mischievous smile that gave her an indication that he was going to be very pleasurable to work for. He was wearing a bright blue robe and a pointed hat, again with the wizard image, and he was waiting for her by a staircase when she arrived. She'd already had her mouth hanging open after seeing the school where she would be teaching, having never imagined an honest to goodness castle. It was beautiful and she couldn't stop from smiling as she imagined the history behind the structure as well as everything that the walls had seen during its lengthy existence. Meeting Headmaster Dumbledore was just another surprise on top of the several that she'd had that afternoon.

"Willow, it is so very pleasurable to meet you," Albus Dumbledore greeted the pretty redhead that was standing in front of him trying her best not to look awestruck. He grinned at her, "I am Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Please call me Albus or Dumbledore. I respond to either one, though the majority of students and professors call me by the latter, at least to my face!"

"It's nice to meet you, Dumbledore," Willow smiled back at him, liking him immediately.

"Walk with me. I shall escort you to your quarters," Albus said as he took her arm, leading her up a staircase. "You will be sharing quarters with Professor Malfoy, the Potions Professor. I have also designated him as your liaison. He shall assist you in preparing for your classes, answer any questions that you find yourself having, and basically act as a mentor until you have adjusted. He has agreed to my request and will be arriving this evening so that you will have two weeks training and adjustment period before the term begins. Do you find this arrangement suitable?"

"It sounds fantastic, Dumbledore," Willow smiled, grateful that she was going to have a couple of weeks to acclimate herself with the school and the culture before facing a room of students that most likely knew more about wizarding than she did. She hoped this Professor Malfoy was nice, figuring he must be since Dumbledore trusted him such a responsibility. She imagined a twin of the old man beside her, assuming he must have many years experience to be given the assignment as her adviser. She did ask, "When you mention sharing quarters, what exactly does that mean?"

"Oh, dear, I am sorry," Dumbledore laughed, "you will share a common room and a bathroom with Malfoy, but you will each have your own bedroom. I believe one of the reasons Malfoy agreed to my request was to be rid of the dungeon. His classroom is down there as were his quarters. He had previously complained of the foulness of the air and the constant chill in his room so I know that he was very pleased to hear that my proposal was accompanied with new quarters in the privacy of the fourth floor."

"Did the staircase just move?" Willow asked suddenly as she became aware of the shifting of the stairs underneath her.

"Yes, the house shifts a lot," Dumbledore smiled as they reached the fourth floor landing. "Your room is this way, Willow."

Willow followed him down the hall, noticing that the portraits seemed to be moving. Faces were looking at her, some smiling, some curious, some scowling. She realized that this was not going to be your typical school, an eager smile crossing her face. This was just so exciting! She scrambled to catch up to Dumbledore, looking at the portrait he was standing in front of. The man, if you could call him that, reminded her of the Master. Bald head, pointy ears, glistening fangs. He was wearing a dark robe of some sort and staring at her with red eyes. Behind him, there was a, she almost smiled as she saw it, willow tree.

"I thought this portrait was perfect for you when I saw it. Something to remind you of home," Dumbledore chuckled. "Willow, meet Jean Pierre. Jean Pierre, this is Willow, the new DADA Professor."

"Enchante, Willow," the creature said, flashing a smile that displayed a row of even teeth and sparkling fangs.

"Um, hi," Willow waved, finding it a bit weird to be standing in the hall of a castle speaking to a portrait of a vampire who was speaking French and appeared to be flirting with her.

"This is the entrance to your quarters," Dumbledore explained to the puzzled redhead, "and, since this is a new residence and you are the first one here, you may choose the password."

"Password?" Willow didn't understand, hoping that this Malfoy guy was going to be able to explain all these things to her when he arrived.

"To allow the belle mademoiselle entre into her rooms," Jean Pierre explained, flashing more fang at the pretty redhead, "just come closer and whisper it into my ear, my lovely."

"Jean Pierre!" Dumbledore gave the portrait a reproachful look, turning to a blushing Willow and saying, "Please forgive him. He has been hidden away in the corners of the dungeon for several decades and I'm afraid that he has forgotten his manners."

"It's quite all right," Willow smiled at the wizard before giving the flirting vampire a thoughtful look, "I think I'll call you JP, because Jean Pierre is rather formal. As for a password," she moved closer, whispering, "serendipity," before pulling back, her green eyes flashing with memories before she faced Dumbledore.

"These are your quarters," Dumbledore escorted the redhead into the common area, moving his wand to create a fire in the fireplace and watching as the woman looked around. "If you would like to choose a room, Hagrid will put your luggage away and then I shall give you a short tour of the school before dinner."

"I'll take that one," Willow pointed to the room on the left, opening the door and trying not to gawk. It was beautiful, her eyes sweeping over the interior quickly, not able to take everything in. Hagrid moved past her and set her bags down, giving her a smile before he left, saying that he'd see her soon. She asked Dumbledore, "Does Hagrid not eat with everyone else?"

"No, he prefers having the house elves prepare him food to eat in his cabin. He does attend meal times during the school term, usually, but he appreciates his privacy," Dumbledore explained as he led the redhead down the hallway.

Over the next three hours, Dumbledore showed Willow around the school. They went to his office to fill out her paperwork and she was given a book on the History of Hogwarts as well as three simple black robes, a black robe with silver designs on the hems, and a dark green robe that looked wonderful with her coloring. She was informed that any future robe purchases could be made directly by her, but that Dumbledore had wanted her to be prepared with the necessary garments for the position. She was appreciative of his thoughtfulness, dropping the belongings in her room before they went down for dinner. She saw that other room was still open, assuming that meant Professor Malfoy had not yet arrived at the school.

She followed Dumbledore downstairs, thankful that she had him to guide her. The castle was huge and she was already having problems trying to keep track of where everything was located. She followed the wizard into the dining hall, seeing that there was someone sitting at the head of the table. Must be the Malfoy fellow, she decided, anticipation entering her green eyes as she eagerly moved forward to meet her adviser, her suspicions confirmed when Dumbledore muttered that Malfoy was early. Her eyes widened and her face paled as he came into view, her heart beat increasing as she convinced herself that it wasn't possible, that it couldn't possibly be, then he looked up and smiled that wicked smile, Draco.


Draco Malfoy arrived at Hogwarts an hour earlier than scheduled. He had been having the worst day that he could remember in quite a while, ranking up there with the final fight of The War, and it just seemed to continue to get worse. It had started that morning. He'd woken up happy, memories of his night with Willow fresh in his mind. Their night together had been remarkable, the sex the best he'd ever experienced. He thought they had shared something, that it had been more than just shagging, that he'd seen a similar look of recognition in her pretty green eyes. He'd woken expecting to find her beside him, hoping he could use his masterful persuasive skills to convince her to give him a chance, to see if there was a possibility that it was more than just fantastic sex.

Only, it hadn't happened that way. He'd woken up alone, the room empty, her luggage gone. Draco was always the one to do the leaving, never staying with his partners until sunlight, and he had no experience on how handle the realization that she'd run out on him. There hadn't even been a note of some sort thanking him for the numerous wonderful fucks. He'd searched the room for any trace of her, her taste still in his mouth, her scent surrounding him, the reminders of their many times together dried on his flesh, his body bearing the scratches and bites and love bites the stunning redhead had caused throughout the night. He'd gathered his clothes, oddly hurt by her desertion, unaccustomed to feeling anything after he'd achieved and given pleasure to his partner except satisfaction before he'd leave. This regret and aching were new to him, and he didn't like it at all.

He'd been standing in the middle of the room, naked and holding his clothes when the door had begun to open. He'd brightened, thinking that she had come back, when he saw that it was only a maid. With a flash of anger at Willow for leaving him and himself for wishing she'd come back, he'd apparated back to the guest room at Potter's, leaving a stunned maid wondering if she needed more sleep after seeing a naked attractive man disappear in front of her. Draco had showered and dressed, facing his nosy friends who wanted to know all about the beautiful and mysterious redhead with whom he'd left the previous evening.

He'd been even surlier than normal, earning him threats from Potter and a glare from Hermoine. He hadn't wanted to answer their questions, not knowing what to tell them. He could just imagine explaining that he'd felt a connection with the American witch and shagged her a variety of ways until they'd finally collapsed in exhaustion shortly after dawn only to awaken and find himself deserted without a note or a good-bye. They'd have thought it hilarious, Draco Malfoy being used for sex and then dumped, not at all caring that he had felt something for the redhead and was now unsure how to rid her image and the memory of her from his mind.

He'd caught an earlier train to Hogsmeade, not wanting to answer any more questions, fearing that Hermoine would see what he was trying hide. When he'd arrived at Hogwarts, he'd been unable to locate Dumbledore at all. He'd had to seek out Hagrid, someone he tended to avoid whenever possible, and ask for the location of his quarters. The gigantic fool had been rambling about the new DADA professor, arrived earlier that day, like a besotted oaf, causing Draco to be even more ill tempered. He did not want to hear that the new DADA professor was pretty and charming and polite. He wanted to know what was so dreadfully wrong with him that Willow had snuck away and left him without looking back after they'd spent such an unbelievable night together.

He'd ignored Hagrid during the trip to his new quarters, not listening to any of the praise he was spouting concerning the new professor. Draco had accepted Dumbledore's offer to act as liaison to the new professor for three reasons. One, he got to get out of the dungeon. Two, he enjoyed the idea that Dumbledore had to ask him for a favor, enjoying the opportunity to make the Headmaster's life a little more difficult. Three, he rather liked the idea of being given the responsibility of teaching a new professor, though he'd not admit that reason to anyone. He did not care if the new professor was ninety years old and walked on her hands, so long as he was the one telling her what to do and instructing her during her transition into their community.

He'd arrived at his new quarters to find it being guarded by a glowering vampire, wondering what on Earth had possessed Dumbledore to choose this portrait. He'd been informed by the demon that a password had been selected and that he was not allowed into the room. When he'd pressed for admittance, not wanting to try to locate Dumbledore if the dodgy old man was off with the new professor, but the smug vampire had loftily informed that no exceptions could be made. He'd cursed the ugly creature before storming off to the dining hall. He knew it was not much longer until dinner, an event that Dumbledore never missed.

He had been waiting a few minutes when he heard the door open. Looking up, he was shocked to see Willow following Dumbledore. He slowly smiled, believing that she must have regretted leaving him and had searched for him, finally finding him at work, coming to seek him out and beg forgiveness. The idea of her begging him for anything was arousing and Draco's smile became absolutely wicked as he imagined her on her knees in front of him, apologizing and beseeching him for a second chance, wondering if he could get rid of Dumbledore so that he could shag her on the dining table, making sure she knew what she had left and insuring that she would never want to leave again.

He was surprised when her face paled at sight of him, watching her eyes widen with shock before she looked away, acting as if she'd not seen him. His jubilation and plans of shagging her wilted away as he suddenly understood that she had not come looking for him, cursing himself for his overly dramatic and romantic thoughts in the first place. She had honestly left him, planning to chalk their experience up as, what did they call it, a one-night stand? She had obviously not felt what he had, the feeling as if he were finally home when she was laying in his arms. Draco Malfoy was not a weak man, not a romantic by any means, not used to being used and left, not familiar with many emotions that others took for granted such as love and affection. But he was a man that got what he wanted and, at the moment, there was nothing that he had ever wanted more than Willow.

Her leaving him and now acting as if what they shared was shameful or meant to be forgotten had only intensified his desire to have her, making him more determined to seduce her into begging him to take her. He had told her last night that he was hers, having never made that statement before, having never given himself completely to the pleasure and wants of another, and she had reciprocated by leaving him and now acting as if they hadn't shared what they had. Well, that just wouldn't do. He had no doubts at all that she had enjoyed their time together, knew that she had felt what he had, assumed she had gotten scared by the intense passion and emotions and run away.

Now, though, he had a second chance, and he hadn't even had to try searching for her, which had occurred to him, he shockingly had to admit. She was here, at Hogwarts, obviously the new DADA professor with whom he was sharing quarters as well as acting as mentor. The fates were finally smiling on him, Draco decided, giving him this opportunity. He wanted her, even now hating her for leaving him and causing him to feel. She wanted to play, pretending that last night had not happened, looking away from him rather than admit that they had shared something truly magical? As they often say around the world, a smile crossed Draco's handsome face, let the games begin.


"Dumbledore," Draco greeted the headmaster with a polite smile, not giving Willow a second glance.

"Malfoy. You're early," Dumbledore remarked, a curious gleam in his eyes as he looked from Willow to Draco. He did not yet understand what was happening, but he had not imagined the look of recognition in Draco's eyes or the smile that had crossed the usually cold Malfoy face, nor had he missed the flush on Willow's face and the startled look in her eyes as she'd seen Draco. They knew each other, he realized suddenly, his eyes narrowing as he watched for any indication as to what was going on. He did love a good mystery, already intrigued by their actions.

"I was about ready to kill Potter so I decided to come to school early before I followed through with the malicious thoughts," Draco said smoothly, continuing to ignore Willow. He watched her covertly, noticing the slight frown on her face as she finally looked up.

"Ah, yes, can't have you killing Harry," Dumbledore muttered, "no one qualified to teach Potions to replace you."

He was ignoring her. Willow frowned as he spoke to Dumbledore as if she wasn't there. She had ignored him, true, but that was different. She had been shocked and embarrassed to find the recipient of her reckless behavior the previous night sitting at the table in the dining hall. Even more so when she realized that he, the man she had spent hour upon hour tasting and touching and exploring, was Professor Malfoy, her adviser and suite mate. Oh God, she was going to be sharing a bathroom with him! How was she going to handle this? Why did this have to happen to her? He was still ignoring her, damn it!

"I attempted to gain entry to my room upon arrival but I was informed by that nasty creature that a password had already been selected," Draco continued, satisfied by the glare that had replaced the frightened look in those expressive green eyes.

"Oh, yes, we were there earlier. I do apologize," Dumbledore said, introducing, "This is Willow Rosenberg, the new DADA Professor. Willow, this is Draco Malfoy, the Potions Professor and your adviser."

"It's nice to meet you, Miss. Rosenberg," Draco said easily, stressing her last name as he held out his hand in the customary manner, "I do hope you're finding the school satisfactory."

"The school is fine, Mr. Malfoy," Willow said, doing her own stressing, deciding that two can play that game as she shook his hand, not able to keep the slight tremor of awareness from washing over her at the brief contact, managing to stammer, "Thank you for your concern."

"Isn't this nice?" Dumbledore smiled, knowing now exactly how these two must have met, wondering if they had any idea just how palpable their attraction was, assuming that neither one did. "Meeting new people and making new friends. Shall we eat?"

"Yes, of course," Willow agreed, moving to take the seat Dumbledore held for her.

"It's always an experience, meeting *new* people," Draco concurred, arching a brow as he looked at the familiar woman who was now seated in front of him. He couldn't take his eyes off her, even as he kept his tone polite and formal. Deliberately stretching, he moved his legs against hers. He heard her soft gasp, flashing back to when he'd last heard that gasp, groaning softly as he adjusted his suddenly tight trousers, thankful that he was wearing a robe to conceal the evidence of his arousal. Putting on the polite smile, he continued, "Wouldn't you agree, Miss. Rosenberg?"

"It's Willow," she said, knowing it would seem rude and odd if she did not tell him to call her by her first name. She felt his leg brush against hers again, cursing him in every language she'd ever learned. Her lips twisted into a smirk as she decided to play his game, moving her own leg this time, her foot moving along the length of his leg under his robe.

"Willow," Draco purred her name, watching her eyes widen with lust, her tongue moving to slowly drag along her bottom lip. The vixen's foot was on his leg, moving towards his thigh. He caught it under the table with his hand, not letting it get near his erection. "Please, call me Draco."

"Let's eat," Dumbledore said, calling for the food. He was enjoying this show very much, finding it the most amusing dinner he'd had in a while. He watched them break eye contact, Willow smiling pleasantly at him and Draco back to his usual scowling.

To be extremely wealthy, talented, intelligent, and handsome, that boy never seemed to let himself be happy. This whatever it was with Willow was the first time Dumbledore could remember seeing Draco so lively, so cheerful in a way. The old wizard rather liked it, having a fondness for the blond wizard that had been experienced so much suffering in his short life. Draco believed him to be a daft old loon, but Dumbledore knew that deeply buried underneath the arrogance and bravado, the boy cared about his opinion and respected him. Now, it would appear that Willow Rosenberg, the American witch that had nearly destroyed the world before eventually saving it by tapping into power and magic so pure it radiated from her, had done something that no one else had ever done before. She'd managed to penetrate the shell that Draco Malfoy had built around his emotions, causing the blond to smile a real smile of happiness. He was unsure what game those two were playing, but he did have a feeling that it was going to be quite a show.

They ate in relative silence, interrupted by the white haired wizard who shared various stories with Willow. Willow listened and laughed, smiling and making comments when required, but a majority of her attention was focused on the gray-eyed devil opposite her. He had not yet released her foot, his fingers moving along the soul and causing her to wish she had not taken off her shoe before deciding to try to get him back for his own under the table actions. His leg was still between her own, the material of his pants brushing against her flesh, causing her to dampen as she remembered the feel of his bare skin against hers. Not good, Willow, she scolded herself. She was new here, needed to focus on her job and learning everything she could before the term started, and here she was sitting at the dinner table wishing she were having Draco for desert. Chocolate sauce poured over his flat stomach, pooling around his belly button, dripping between his thighs, coating his hard erection. Willow felt herself flush from her naughty thoughts, thankful that she was staring at the table so no one could see the desire she was sure was evident in her eyes.

Dinner was finally over. Draco had never been so relieved for a meal to end. She was driving him crazy, giving him blatant stares of desire, licking her lips and nibbling on them, moving her legs against his own, looking up at him through her lashes as if she was sneaking a peak, her green eyes confused and needy. He pushed away from the table, releasing her foot, and making sure his robe covered any signs of arousal. He ran a hand through his pale blond hair, not quite sure who won that round of the game.

"If you two will excuse me, I'm a bit tired. I think I'm going to retire to my room for the evening. Malfoy, I appreciate you arriving early to assist Willow with her transition into her new position. She will escort you to the room and share the password. Willow, it was a pleasure meeting you. I feel that you're going to make a fine addition to our staff. I shall see you both in the morning," Dumbledore said before he left.


"Shall we go to *our* room?" Draco asked politely, watching her eyes flash with awareness that they would be sharing a room.

"Follow me," Willow said loftily, turning and walking away from him, not sure what he was up to, pretending that they were strangers now that Dumbledore was gone. She walked to the stairs, feeling him behind her. She paused on the way up, not sure which staircase they should take next, chewing on her bottom lip as she struggled to remember.

"The left," Draco said from behind her, his eyes on her ass, wondering if it still bore the mark he'd made the previous evening when he'd sucked the flesh into his mouth while his fingers had driven her to orgasm.

"I knew that," Willow said softly, not wanting to admit that she'd forgotten, especially not to Draco. He unnerved her, threw her off guard, caused her to be distracted and think thoughts she shouldn't be thinking when she was being orientated into a new position, her mind flashing to various positions they'd tried the night before, deciding that using the word job was much better for her current mental state.

"Sure you did," he chuckled, his eyes flashing with amusement as he followed her to the proper hallway. When they reached the door, he saw the vampire leer at Willow, a scowl crossing his face as he realized he was jealous of a silly portrait.

"You've come back to me, Bella Goddess," Jean Pierre smiled as he moved forward, pausing to glare at Draco.

"Hi, JP. We need to enter the room," Willow said, not wanting to say the password out loud. How could she pretend that last night meant nothing when she'd been thinking about it even as she'd created the password.

"You have to speak the password," Draco said from beside her, "he won't let us in without it."

"We share the same word?" Willow squeaked, her face turning red as she avoided looking at Draco.

"Yes, we do," Draco sighed, "can you please just say it? I don't have a lot of luggage, but it does get a bit bothersome carrying it up four flights of stairs."

"Serendipity," Willow said, watching as the portrait moved, entering the room as she called out, "Good night, JP."

"Bonsoir, belle Willow," Jean Pierre said as Draco followed Willow into their room.

"Serendipity, huh?" Draco drawled slowly, a pleased smile crossing his face. He now had proof that last night had meant something to her.

"Draco, let's just stop pretending, okay?" Willow said as she faced him. "Last night, it was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened. I was reckless and foolish and we should just forget about it."

"Forget it?" Draco repeated, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the redhead that had just dared to call the best night of his life a reckless mistake.

"It was amazing, but I didn't intend for it to happen," Willow said softly, "I don't regret it, but it is very awkward facing you right now. We're adults, though, so surely we can deal with the discomfort and chalk it all up as an unforgettable experience and move on. Can't we?"

"I thought you just said we should forget it," Draco replied, "yet you're now saying it was unforgettable. Which one is it, Willow?"

"I don't need this right now," Willow muttered as she ran a hand over her face, "I'm starting a new job in this world that I know nothing about and I'm scared that I'm going to mess everything up and fail because teaching a class room of wizards and witches is a far cry from teaching computer science to a bunch of teenagers that could care less and I don't know anything about all these things that they know and I really want to learn and do a good job because I think I could love it here. And now, right when I'm already nervous and tense, you're here, my mentor, the one assigned to help me and the fates must think it's hilarious to have me meet you last night when I was feeling reckless and daring and there was that unbelievable attraction and the chemistry between us, and I actually went home, well to my hotel, with you and we shared, well, you were there. You know what we did, the way I acted, the things I did, and they must be laughing to see me now faced with you again. I can't forget it happened, Draco, but I can't look back. I have to focus on my new job, on learning what I need to learn so that I can successfully teach this class and prove that Dumbledore's trust in me is appropriate."

"So you believe we should chalk it up," Draco used her slang term, "as a one time only experience? Caught up in the moment, that sort of thing?"

"Yes," she whispered, daring a look at him, feeling her body react just from seeing him, arguing with her about how big a lie it was to pretend that it was just a one-time thing.

"It's forgotten," Draco said simply, watching her eyes as she looked shocked at his words. He resisted the urge to smile, knowing that this was the right choice. He had listened to her cute rambling, seeing the sincerity in her words even as he decided that she was foolish to dismiss what they had shared, especially considering the attraction was still there, even more intense. He did not call her on the inaccuracies of her claims, instead deciding that it would be much more enjoyable to seduce her slowly, to help her achieve her goals regarding her new position at the same time he seduced her mind, body, and soul. He did not trick himself into believing it was love or anything quite so romantic and lofty an ideal, knowing it was old-fashioned lust and desire that he felt for the pretty redhead, so the idea of teasing her and seducing her had merit. He had always enjoyed a challenge, after all, and Willow was proving to be one of the more pleasant distractions in his rather mundane life. He would do as she requested, but on his terms, which would make it all the more pleasurable.

"Forgotten?" she repeated faintly, not sure if she had heard him correctly. He was again looking at her as he had in the dining hall, polite but distant, as if they had only just met. This was what she wanted, she should be happy. Instead, she felt strangely distressed.

"It never happened," he said as a smirk crossed his face, moving closer to her.

"Um, that's good," Willow stammered, looking at the fireplace as she realized that sometimes getting what you wanted wasn't all that good. For a moment, she wished he'd protested, proclaimed that he'd never be able to forget their time together, that he was aching for a repeat, that he wanted her and needed her. Instead, he said it had never happened and was forgotten.

"I'm glad you think so," Draco whispered as he reached her, his hand moving to her face. He dragged his fingers along the curve of her cheek, watching her turn to face him, her eyes catching his before he leaned down and caught her mouth. He kissed her with every bit of passion he could find, his tongue sweeping into her mouth possessively as he pushed her back against the wall. She whimpered before melting against him, her hands moving to his back, clutching at his robe as he moved his leg between hers.

He ran his right hand through her hair and along her face as they kissed, his left moving behind her back to cup her arse, pulling her closer. He pushed against her, letting her feel the evidence of his arousal, listening to her moan as he pressed his leg into the juncture between her thighs. Abruptly, he pulled back, his gray eyes sweeping over her face, seeing the longing in her eyes, the swollen lips, knowing that she could not deny that they were explosive together. Even now, he craved her, yearned to feel her against him, but that wasn't what she wanted, it wasn't the game they were playing. Instead of pulling her against him and never letting go, he moved his hand against her cheek one last time, his thumb tracing her lips before he pulled it away. He moved away from her, his eyes catching hers as he whispered, "Sweet dreams, *Professor*," before he turned, picked up his luggage, and walked into his room, a gleam of triumph in his eyes as he slowly shut the door.


Willow stared at the closed door for several stunned moments before her eyes narrowed. That, that, she struggled to find the appropriate curse word, finally settling on the old favorite, bastard! True, he was obeying her wishes to put their night together behind them, but she definitely hadn't said anything about him kissing her passionately, getting her aroused beyond belief, and then walking away. No, that idea was entirely Draco's. She hadn't missed the gleam of mischief and arousal in his eyes when he'd called her Professor, stressing the title as his hands had moved over her cheek. He was playing with her, damn it, knowing how he affected her, using that knowledge to make her want him so desperately she had been nearly ready to forget her earlier arguments on why they were better off putting their night together in the past.

But this was just further proof of her theory, she finally decided. She glared at his closed door one last time before moving into her room, shutting the door quietly before resting against it. She sighed, running a hand over her face, trying to forget the taste of his mouth and the feel of his body against hers and the way his eyes darkened slightly when he was aroused and the way he cried out her name when he came and the way he'd held her after they'd had sex, with his strong arms keeping her close against him, making her feel safe and cherished and protected. Groaning, she shook her head, pushing those memories away. No, no, no, she kept repeating to herself as she put her largest suitcase on the bed and began to unpack. She could not repeat their night together, no matter how tempting that idea was. It just wasn't smart.

There was something about Draco that got to her in a way that no one else had, and she could admit that without feeling as if she were betraying the love that she had shared with Tara. She didn't love Draco, having only just met him the previous evening and not being a believer in love at first sight, but she did want him. Even now, after his smirking departure and the knowledge that he'd used her attraction for him to play whatever game he was playing, she was resisting the urge to go to him, shut the door, and shag his brains out. And that was the problem! She needed to be focused on her new job, focused on learning everything she could about this entirely new world of wizarding, focused on being prepared to teach classes of witches and wizards. Instead, she was focusing on physical need for the man that was in the next room, focused on how sexy he was when he was teasing her, focused on how good he looked naked, focused on the way he made her body feel things it had never felt.

The redhead sat on the end of the bed, her eyes confused and aroused and contemplative. She knew that Draco was playing a game, having figured that much out since meeting him in the dining hall. She ran though everything that had happened since that second meeting, trying to figure out what game he was playing so that she could defend herself. God, she sounded like she was going into battle. Maybe she was overreacting, being overly dramatic. Usually she was the logical one, the one with the plans, the one that was aware of the repercussions of every action, the latter more so since the events following Tara's death. Why, then, had she allowed herself to be caught up in the intense attraction she'd felt the previous evening for Draco and gone back to her room to spend hours exploring said attraction? That wasn't like her at all, rash and impulsive and reckless not being adjectives that any of her friends would use to describe her. And why did she get the impression that such behavior was also unusual for Draco? He didn't seem like the type of guy that would pick up a stranger in a club and spend hours having sex with said stranger. True, she didn't know him very well, even if she did know his body perfectly, but he appeared to be intelligent and controlled and confident and none of the things she'd witnessed from him had given her the idea that what had happened between them was routine for him. On the contrary, he seemed as surprised by their attraction as she had been, as equally affected.

This was getting her no closer to understanding his game. That, in itself, the idea that he was playing with her, was further confirmation that what had happened between them must be new to him. Otherwise, he'd have smiled and shrugged it off, not giving it another thought. That idea made Willow's eyes flash with anger, not liking the idea of him just forgetting what they had shared even though she'd asked him to do just that. It was just too confusing, she decided with another soft groan. Then, suddenly, she was struck with an epiphany, if you will. Draco had seemed very happy to see her earlier in the dining room, when she'd first walked in. He'd seemed surprised but delighted, a wicked smile on his handsome face even as his eyes had been almost affectionate. Then, she'd looked away. When she'd looked back, he'd been smiling the aloof smile, acting as though they'd never met. That had been the start of the game.

A small smile crossed her face as she wondered if her evaluations were accurate. Had he started the game because she'd ignored him? Because he'd been happy to see her and she'd blushed and looked away because she hadn't been prepared to deal with her own reckless behavior. If so, what did it mean? What game was he playing? At dinner, he'd been polite and distant, acting to any observer like someone who had just met her, but, under the table, he'd been teasing her and touching her, his eyes flashing occasionally with lust that he quickly covered before anyone else could see it. He'd followed her lead, acting as if they'd never met, but he'd wanted to remind her at every opportunity just what they had shared, what they did feel for each other. That had continued when they'd arrived in the room, she realized. He'd been angry when she'd told him to forget about it. He'd never said anything, but his eyes had flashed with annoyance and she now recognized the way he had repeated her words had been irritated and the way he had stood and his eyes just confirmed his anger. Then, he'd suddenly agreed, and it had been her turn to be annoyed, having hoped that he'd ignore her words and convince her that she was wrong and that they should repeat their night together, repeatedly. She'd assumed that he was realizing that she didn't want the complications of a steamy sexual affair, and then he'd kissed her.


She was back to that kiss. Passionate and explorative and needy. Neither could deny that they'd both wanted it, that they'd both given and taken. His hands had moved over her body, knowing exactly where to touch her, his own body hard and aching, the evidence of his arousal impossible to ignore. That's when she'd realized that she was fooling herself, that there was no way to pretend that their attraction didn't exist. She wanted him and he wanted her. No amount of ignoring or arguments of logic could stop what was between them. Then, he'd pulled away. He'd smirked at her, his eyes twinkling with that mischievous glint that made her knees weak and her panties wet, and he'd told her to have sweet dreams, calling her by her new title. And then he'd walked away. Willow suddenly sat up, suspicion in her green eyes as she began to figure out what his game was, wondering if she could possibly be right.

He was trying to seduce her. For what reason? It was fairly obvious she wanted him, had been ready to fuck him against the wall, so he'd already won that game. Maybe it was more than that, more than just shagging that he wanted. Her eyes narrowed as she had the stray thought. Draco wanted her to beg. He wanted her so needy and aching for him that she begged him to touch her. Oh, that she could believe completely, knowing somehow that he wasn't used to losing control like he had during their night together, that he wanted the control back in hopes that, what? It would diminish the attraction he felt for her? She was aware that her reaction had probably not helped matters, pretending as if they hadn't met, acting as though she could just forget their magical night together.

Willow relaxed a little as she figured out what Draco's plan must be, knowing that it fit perfectly with his actions. He was playing a dangerous game, planning on seducing her into wanting him so badly she begged. Then what? What did he have planned *if* he managed to win? To walk away from her, acting as if they'd never shared anything, behaving like she had, Willow guiltily admitted. It would serve her right, she knew, acknowledging that she had not handled the situation well at all. She wasn't accustomed to one night stands, having never had one before, and she also wasn't used to feeling what Draco had made her feel, her reaction to his touch and waking in his arms scaring her, in a way. She'd run away, hoping she'd eventually forget, only to find herself in a position where forgetting was not going to be an option. The attraction was still there, more intense than it had been at Serendipity, and there was something else now accompanying it. An awareness of what they were like together, the knowledge of just how good it had been between them. And on top of that, she was learning about him, getting to know him, and the very beginnings of respect and possibly a friendship had been started during dinner. That made it become something far more complicated than just sexual attraction.

Okay, so she knew that he planned to seduce her, or at least logically figured that that was his plan. The redhead got off the bed and began to unpack, thinking better when she was active. She knew his game and could now figure out ways to combat whatever actions he took. But did she really want to fight him, a small voice whispered in the back of her mind. Did she want to alienate him so that he hated her, didn't want her anymore, wouldn't want to be in her life at all? That thought was entirely too depressing, she realized. She'd only know him a day, but already he was making her life exciting and fun and making her feel attractive and sexy.

He wanted her, which still struck her as unbelievable. He was gorgeous, definitely what Buffy would call eye candy, and wealthy and powerful and smart and funny in that sarcastic way she loved and he was so out of her league that she'd have never imagined him giving her a second look. But, he had. He'd looked at her as if she was the most beautiful creature in the world, telling her he was hers with a sincerity that had been mind blowing taking into consideration that they'd just met and never even exchanged last names. Even now, playing his silly game of teasing and seduction, he looked at her as if as if she were exquisite and sexy and meant for him.

Willow drew her bottom lip into her mouth, chewing on it nervously as she cursed Hogwarts for not having a telephone. She wanted noting more than to call Buffy and tell her best friend everything that was happening in hopes the slayer might be able to tell her what to do. Of course, Buffy's answer would be for her to forget logic and go after Draco because the blond would be delighted that someone had caused such a spark of feeling in the redhead, wanting nothing more than her best friend to be happy. Buffy would probably laugh at her misgivings, not understanding why Willow was afraid of having a purely enjoyable sexual relationship with a consenting and eager adult, especially if she knew how handsome and perfectly wonderful Draco Malfoy was.

Willow could be an adult about such things, even though she had only had sex with two people in her life, and she'd loved them both. She was worried that becoming involved with Draco wouldn't just be about sex, that eventually she'd start to care about him and fall in love with him and she had no idea what his reaction to that would be so it was far easier to just forget about the attraction and let it be, hoping that they maybe could become friends. Less potential for heartache or unrequited love that always messed things up or risking her heart again.

Why did her decision leave her feeling cold and empty? Why did it seem like such a cowardly thing to do? Why did it seem like she was running away again? Because, it was all those things. She was trying to protect her heart from a potential love that might not even happen. She was being so defensive about a future she imagined happening that she'd forgotten to enjoy the present. Sure, sex with Draco could lead to something else. And there was a possibility that she might one day grow to feel something for the handsome blond wizard that he'd never feel for her, but was it fair to ignore what was happening between them just to keep herself safe from something that might not even happen?

When she'd lost Tara, she'd felt as if she'd lost the other half of her heart, believed that she'd never again love or feel desire or want to be held by someone that wasn't her beautiful lover. Last night had proven her wrong, the feelings and attraction for Draco overwhelming her, making her act in a way she usually didn't, causing her to be a seductive siren, and part of her had enjoyed that role. She heard a noise in the bathroom, the sound of water running in the sink, realizing that he must be washing up before bed. Too easily, the image of him came to her mind, perhaps wearing a pair of pajama bottoms, his chest bare, his hair slightly tousled from removing his shirt. A tremor of awareness washed over her and she sighed, knowing that no amount of thinking or planning could make this attraction go away. He wasn't going to let it, anyway, using it in his game of seduction.

Suddenly, a wicked smile crossed her face as she looked thoughtfully at the closed bathroom door. He was playing a game that she now understood, having a good idea what the goal was, knowing that there probably weren't any real rules except winning. So far, he'd been playing on his own, having definitely won the round in the sitting room. But, things were different. She knew his game and was ready to play, rather liking the idea of seducing Draco into begging. True, it would complicate things a little, but, really, what was life without a few complications? She glanced around her room, a plan forming in her mind. He was in for a big surprise, she thought evilly, her green eyes shining with arousal and cunning, as she began to undress, ready to start the next round. Draco Malfoy was about to find out that two could play at that game, and that Willow liked to win.


Willow was standing in her bra and panties in her new room at Hogwarts, trying to figure out what to do in the next round of her game of seduction with Draco. She knew he was in the bathroom, hearing the shower start and trying to ignore the image of him naked in the shower with the water cascading down his muscular flesh slightly tanned from the sun, knowing that such thoughts would only result in her drooling and not being able to think fast enough to win the next round. The slender redhead moved to the large mirror and took a critical look at her appearance, thinking that she looked like someone that had been thoroughly kissed.

Her lips were swollen and red, her hair mussed, her cheeks still flushed. She backed away a step when the mirror spoke to her, telling her she looked fetching. Okay, they had talking mirrors as well as talking portraits. She moved away from the mirror, not sure if she was keen on the idea of her mirror talking to her, deciding that she was judgmental enough about her appearance without having another voice echo her thoughts. Though, the mirror had said she looked fetching after her heated encounter with Draco so maybe the mirrors here told fibs. She moved back to her bed, her eyes glancing over the contents of her suitcase. A smile crossed her face when she saw it, thanking Buffy for insisting she bring it.

It was a beautiful silk robe that her best friend had bought her for Christmas, belonging with a sexy negligee that Willow had not dared wear. The nightie was meant for sin, lace and see through material and silk, molding her breasts and pushing them up until they were practically overflowing from the cups, material skimming her flat tummy and showcasing her slender body, barely covering the cheeks of her bottom before ending to display her long legs. The robe was lovely, though, and she had worn it several times. It was silk and sensual against bare flesh and would be perfect for her plan.

The nightie she would save, arousal sweeping over her as she imagined Draco's reaction to see her in that torrid bit of material, knowing it would definitely cause a reaction that her usual sleeping garments, that consisted of one of Xander's old T-shirts and a pair of boxers, would never quite achieve. She had to admit that she looked sexy in said nightie, even if she had always been a bit too embarrassed to wear it when no one else was enjoying the view. Buffy had given it to her telling her that everyone deserved to be sexy and sensual, especially Willow, making the redhead promise to wear it at least once.

Willow would be able to keep that promise, already having plans to wear said nightie when it would have the greatest affect on Draco. Goodness, she was rather good at these devious games, she decided, feeling a spark of exhilaration at the thrill of planning to seduce Draco. He wouldn't know what hit him, she smiled wickedly, knowing that he planned to play his game without ever once considering that she'd want to play, too. And she'd follow his example, seduce to the point of near surrender before smiling and walking away. She could do this, felt sexy and attractive when he looked at her, that giving her the extra confidence she needed to pull something like this off without being nervous and thinking that she wasn't pretty enough to be the seducer. She'd tried once before, with Oz after the disaster events of her smoochies with Xander, and had failed terribly. Since then, she'd never really tried to be the one in control, the one teasing and flirting. She liked it, a lot.

Willow took off her bra and slid her panties down her legs. She slid the robe on, securing it around her waist with the belt, loose enough to gape open and display the tops of her breasts. She walked, her cheeks flushing as she realized that the robe did little to conceal the red curls between her legs. She wanted to seduce him, to remind him that he wanted her as much as she wanted him, but could she be *that* daring so soon? True, he'd seen her naked for hours during their night together, but they'd been having sex and tasting and touching and it was a little different than just casually prancing around with a robe barely covering her body. You can do this, Willow, she kept repeating to herself. She concentrated her attention on Draco's smirk as he'd said, "Sweet dreams, Professor," in that arrogant voice that had only made her more aroused. Damn her for finding his conceit and egotism so attractive, wondering if something was wrong with her for finding power and confidence and sheer arrogance so attractive, not really caring because she couldn't deny finding everything about Draco Malfoy a turn on.

Willow waited until she heard the sound of the shower finish, preparing herself for facing him, telling herself that she would not react to him, that she would manage to get his reaction this time. The redhead took a deep, calming breath before she opened the door to their shared bathroom. She walked in, seeing Draco standing at the sink with a black towel wrapped around his slim waist, his blond hair a little darker from the water that was dripping from it down his smooth chest and back. He turned his head to look at her, covering his surprise quickly with a smirk that quickly faded as she walked towards the sink and gave him a brief glimpse of flesh, desire flashing in those beautiful gray eyes as she began her round of their game.


"Are you finished with the shower?" Willow asked casually as she went to the sink and began to wash her face, proud of herself for forming a complete sentence and for keeping her tone light and distant. No one should look that good, she thought crossly as she gave him a polite smile. She moved a little, baring more of her creamy breasts to his hungry gaze, loving the knowledge that she could arouse him like this, feeling so sexy when he stared at her as if she was enticing and beautiful.

"Yes," Draco replied, his gray eyes moving over the tempting bits of flesh that were showcased in the silk robe she was barely wearing. What the hell was she doing? Coming into the bathroom when he'd just gotten out of the shower, wearing that scrap of cloth that did not conceal the soft swells of her breasts or the cinnamon curls between her legs. Long legs that had wrapped around his waist and urged him closer, causing him to sink even more deeply into her warmth. He felt himself hardening, glancing down to make sure the towel was still in place, not that she'd notice. His wicked little witch was ignoring him, washing her face and going about her nightly rituals as if he wasn't even there. His eyes narrowed, wondering what had happened since he'd left her ragged and needy in the sitting area. She wasn't acting now as if she wanted him, as if she craved him as much as he ached for her.

Willow resisted the impulse to do a happy dance in the middle of the bathroom when she felt Draco's eyes on her, blazing a heated path down her body before resting on her face. While looking in the mirror, she glanced in his direction, finding the pout that was resting on his beautiful lips irresistible. He was sexy and sinful and handsome and he wanted her. Wanted her quite a bit judging by the lengths he was going to play his game of seduction and the look in his eyes as she moved again, letting him see more of the body he'd tasted and touched and enjoyed the night before. She felt absolutely evil doing this, tempting him and teasing him when she, herself, was barely in control of her own arousal and attraction where he was concerned, but he kind of deserved it after his antics earlier. The kiss and then walking away, just because she'd been scared and trying to figure out a way to deal what they had shared in a mature manner. So, she pushed away the slight feelings of guilty, knowing that she couldn't possibly play this oh so delicious game with him if she kept thinking about how much she wanted him. Instead, she focused on his reaction to her actions. She was getting to him, she thought happily, and all she'd had to do was flash a little thigh and pretend that he wasn't there.

Okay, so the pretending he wasn't there part was nearly impossible, but she was succeeding fairly well enough for the time being. He believed that she wasn't blatantly ogling him, but that was because he hadn't realized what a great view she had of him in the mirror. She turned to look at the shower, noticing that it was different than the ones she was used to. She drew her bottom lip into her mouth, the only sign of nervousness she'd displayed since entering the bathroom, and studied it. Finally, she looked at Draco, deciding to have a bit of fun. She arched a brow as she asked, "Will you show me how to use it?"

"Huh?" Draco snapped out of the lust-induced coma that had come over him when she'd nibbled on her lip, cringing as he realized how stupid he sounded. This wasn't good. He was the one playing the game, the one supposed to be seducing her into wanting him and aching for him, yet he was distracted by a glimpse of flesh and a nibble. He was a Malfoy, damn it, and it would take far more than that to divert him from his intentions. He was the seducer, the one to have her in the lust induced coma, not the other way around. She had dismissed what they shared as if it meant nothing, after all. She wanted him, needed him, and he planned on having her admit that truth and acknowledge that she was wrong to suggest that they forget it. With a confident smile, he moved closer to her, letting his towel slip a little, feeling her eyes glance at him before she looked away. Oh, it was that way, huh? Little girl thought she was a contender, did she? She thought she could resist him? Why, that only made the game more fun. His lips twisted into a calm smile as he brushed against her to show her how to operate the shower. Lowering his voice until it was husky and sensual, he said, "You turn it on then you let it work its magic."

"So I just move my hand a little to the left," Willow repeated in her own seductive tone, moving against him slightly as she spoke, feeling his hardness through the towel, rolling her bottom slightly to the left against his erection, "and turn it on? Then it spills all over me?"

"Uh huh," Draco muttered, too easily imagining her hands on his cock, stroking it until he spilled all over her, her arse brushing against him again. Bloody hell, he wanted to just drop the towel and enter her from behind, capture her cries of pleasure with his mouth and shag her until she was too exhausted to ever again leave him.

"And after the water has covered my entire naked body and I'm soaking wet, I just turn it off?" Willow asked innocently, hearing his soft groan greeting her words of being soaking wet, finding herself enjoying this seduction thing. It didn't really take a lot, their words rather silly to any outside observer, but, accompanied with her casual movements back against him and the tone of her voice, she was successfully arousing him.

"Yeah," he echoed, wondering if she had any idea what she was doing to him? She turned to look at him, her eyes moving over his face and an alluring smile on her lips as she moved closer, her breath on his lips as she moved her mouth directly over his, barely touching them in a gentle kiss. He strained forward, wanting that kiss desperately, licking his lips as he reached for her, no longer caring about the game he was playing, only knowing that walking away from her earlier had been Hell and that he couldn't resist her a second time, his attraction to her consuming him. He was shocked when she suddenly moved away from him and gave him a polite smile.

"Sounds easy enough," Willow said with a flash of a smile, her tone normal as she moved away from him, acting as if their moment together had never happened. She gave him a vague look and asked, "Are you nearly finished in here? I'd like to take a shower and get some sleep before starting training tomorrow."

"That's it?" Draco stared at her in surprise, wondering what was going on, not understanding what had just happened. They'd kissed, ever so briefly, and he'd seen arousal and need in her eyes. She'd been flirting with him since she'd come into the bathroom, subtly but still flirting. Now, when he was hard and ready for her, she was asking if he was nearly finished so she could take her shower?

"It's late, Draco, and I'd really like a hot shower before bed," Willow said softly, thinking with satisfaction that he needed a cold shower, again resisting the urge to gloat that she'd gotten him this time even as her body ached for him, fighting her resolve to play his game instead of just pushing him against the wall, shagging him wildly, and conserving water by showering together.

"Yeah, fine, whatever," Draco muttered as he turned from her, his eyes flashing with desire as he moved away from the shower and the redheaded temptress that had him aching and needy just from a soft kiss.

Willow saw the pout on his lips, again struck by how damn sexy he looked when he was sulking, and nearly blew this win by grabbing him and kissing him. Instead, a triumphant smile crossed her face as she reached up and unfastened the belt around her robe, letting it fall to the floor in a pile of silk, feeling his eyes move over her body when he turned at the sound. Her nipples hardened even more than they had been, wetness between her thighs as she stepped into the shower. With a final look at him, she inhaled sharply at the pure lust she saw in his eyes, amazed that she could cause such a reaction, thrilled that someone like him so obviously wanted her, a part of her thriving in this new seducer role, enjoying playing with him. She gave him an innocent smile that was betrayed slightly by the look of lust that was burning in her own eyes as she whispered, "Sweet dreams, Professor," before closing the shower door behind her and facing the wall, letting out a breath as she heard the door slam as Draco left, a smile on her face as she realized that she'd won this round. A gleam of anticipation was in her green eyes as she began to wonder what the next round was going to be, acknowledging that she couldn't wait to find out.


Draco turned in his sleep, his arm reaching out beside him, finding nothing. Slowly, gray eyes opened and blinked sleepily as he stared at the empty space in the bed. The blond groaned as he realized that he was alone, disappointment flashing in his eyes as he saw that there wasn't a warm redhead curled up beside him. It had just been a dream. He moved onto his back, staring at the ceiling above his bed as he began to wake up. He had spent all night dreaming about Willow, waking from several erotic dreams with his cock hard and aching. He shouldn't have left her, he scolded himself. He should have followed her into the shower and pushed her against the wall and fucked her silly with the water spraying down on them. She'd wanted it, he'd wanted it, so why had he just slammed the door and gone to his lonely bed and spent the entire night wishing she was with him? Because he was a fool, he finally decided as a scowl crossed his handsome face. A stupid, bloody ignorant fool.

He'd been surprised by her behavior in the bathroom, finding her confidence sexy and alluring even as she dismissed him. Her parting words to him had confirmed his suspicions that she was playing with him, somehow figuring out what he had planned and deciding to participate. Not only was she gorgeous, but she was intelligent and cunning and undeniably sexy as sin. And she'd won the round in the bathroom, reducing him to a drooling mass of hormones that had not even been able to come up with a witty quip to respond to her sweet dreams comment that she had deliberately stolen from him, letting him know exactly what it felt like to be turned on, aroused beyond words, and then dismissed. Of course, his actions had been caused by her own refusal to acknowledge the attraction between them and, okay, to be perfectly honest, a need to hurt her a little for the pain her own actions had caused him. Not that he'd ever admit that her leaving him at the hotel after sharing such an intensely passionate night together or her looking away from him when they'd met again in the dining hall or her decision to forget the most enjoyable night of his life had hurt.

Draco had to admit that he was a bit unclear about what was happening between him and Willow. He'd thought that it was purely sexual, intense desire and need, but that had begun to change during their dinner, when he realized that she was highly intelligent and sexy and funny and that he liked just being around her, even if they were clothed and surrounded by others. This was a bit new for the blond wizard and he wasn't sure what to do. He'd decided to play the game of seduction, to woo her, to perhaps cause similar confusing feelings for her to have to experience, to have her begging him to touch her and taste her, wanting her to give herself to him. But it was more than that. He wanted her to want him, not just for the marvelous shagging, but because she liked him. God, he sounded like a poof, he decided as he ran a hand over his face. A sappy, romantic nancy boy, he scowled, not enjoying these emotions that the redhead was causing. He could deal with lust, knowing exactly what game to play to seduce her, finding it thrilling that she wanted to play her own game of seduction, yet another surprise that had him admiring her and wanting her even more.

The game would continue, made more entertaining by the fact that she would now be playing. She'd won last night, but that had been because she'd surprised him, catching him off guard. Her success had nothing at all to do with the way she'd touched him so casually or the way her green eyes had gleamed with wickedness and desire or the way her body had looked as she'd stood nude beside the shower or the way he'd wanted nothing more at that moment than to feel her lips against his. My Kingdom for a snog with a pretty redhead witch, he thought with a slight smirk. Wouldn't Granger be pleased at his remembrance of a quote from one of those annoying muggle plays she'd forced them to attend. Okay, so that wasn't exactly the quote, but it was close enough. Draco grew thoughtful as he tried to decide on the next round of the game, knowing that it would have to be something subtle and not as obvious as the previous evening. He couldn't very well make himself predictable now, could he?

He had listened to her argument the night before, her reasons why they should pretend their night together hadn't happened. He knew that she was nervous about starting her new job, having no training in the ways of their community, having heard from Dumbledore that she didn't even have a wand. He wasn't such a bastard that he wanted to win at all costs, knowing that this opportunity at Hogwarts was very important to her and that she'd been sincere in her fears and worries, in her wish to learn what she needed to excel at being the DADA Professor. So, their game would not interfere in her training and orientation during the next couple of weeks. He was professional, as was she, and neither wished to have their personal business overshadow their excellence at teaching. He had no doubts that she would be a wonderful teacher, though his lips twisted into a scowl as he imagined her easily becoming a favorite amongst her students, the males in particular. She would be the youngest and most beautiful female professor at Hogwarts, and she was his. The scowl turned into a smug smile at that thought.

Now to get her to acknowledge that she was his just as he was hers, hopefully before the term started. It was painfully clear that the attraction was still there, for both of them. He just needed to show her that they could be together without interfering with their jobs. Sexually, of course, he made sure to remind himself. Despite the new feelings that she was making him feel, he was not at all ready to declare anything except an intense lust and desire. Draco sat up and got out of bed, his hand moving down his nude body as he scratched his flat stomach. Just lust and need, he told himself, nothing else. So she was smart and sexy and beautiful and he liked talking to her and being around her. He was unfamiliar with love, having never experienced the emotion before, not really sure he ever wanted to. His parents had been miserable and unhappy their entire marriage, a part of him knowing they did not marry for love but that being the only example of what love was supposed to be during his years growing up. He guessed he could see what it was supposed to be like when he looked at Harry and Hermione, though their romantic antics tended to make him nauseous which wasn't much of an example, either. He rolled his eyes, not knowing why he was wasting time this morning thinking about love and such frivolous emotions when he had a gorgeous redhead to seduce.

Draco went into the bathroom, pausing a moment as he looked at the spot where Willow had stood the night before, her body nude and breathtaking as she'd smirked at him and tossed his words back at him with that amused tone in her voice. A pleased smile crossed his face before he went about his morning ritual. She'd surprised him, something that was unusual, and he loved it. She'd been so confident, so damn sexy, knowing exactly what affect she was having on him and enjoying the power. That's his girl, he thought proudly, knowing that she was a bit shy from their evening together and realizing how brave she'd been to casually drop her robe and play her game, conceding that win to her easily. She deserved it, he had to acknowledge, his mind thinking about what he could do for their next round, something simple that would be an easy win before they started their day of orientation and he grew serious to give her the training she wanted. Couldn't have his girl not prepared for classes to start, after all. He slowly smiled as an idea came to him, deciding that it would be ideal and a perfect way to begin their day together.


It had been an hour since Draco had woken, the blond wizard glancing towards Willow's door and smiling when he heard movement and the sound of the bathroom door shutting. She was awake. About bloody time, he thought, not bothering to remind himself that he'd woken extremely early after waking from a pleasant dream and finding himself alone. It was still early, barely six in the morning. Luckily, the house elves woke even earlier and there had been several in the kitchen when he'd gone down to get something to eat. He'd come back upstairs with a variety of baked goods and strawberry jam plus juice and some fruit. He wasn't sure what a casual yet seductive breakfast should consist of, having never made breakfast a part of his sexual experiences, but he'd told the house elves that he wished to have an informal breakfast in his rooms to share with the new DADA Professor before their training began and allowed them to load the tray.

He hadn't noticed the surprised looks that the elves had given him upon seeing Draco Malfoy in their kitchen at such an early hour, nor had he paid attention to their sudden smiles as he'd explained that he wanted to surprise the new DADA professor with breakfast. And he would have been livid if he noticed the knowing looks in their eyes as they'd helped him prepare a tray or if he'd heard the surprised whisperings following his exit when he'd refused to allow one of them to carry the tray, speculation in their eyes and voices as he informed them that he was going to take the breakfast up to Willow, saying her name in a way that caused even more whispering and smiles amongst the elves once he was gone. It wouldn't be long before the news had spread to all of the elves at the school that Draco Malfoy had been smiling and happy and polite and that the pretty new DADA Professor that some of them had caught glimpses of the previous evening appeared to be the reason. By the end of the day, Willow would unknowingly have a fan club of house elves that were grateful for whatever she had done to cause the normally rude and reserved Potions Professor to be happy.

Draco looked back at the table he had set up, pouring a glass of juice for Willow and one for himself. He stood up and moved to her door. He turned and faced the room, his gray eyes swiftly moving over the room to insure that everything was perfect, for the game of course. Satisfied that everything was ideal, he debated on where he should sit. From her door, there were two places that would be suitable. He could sit in the chair facing the door, but that wouldn't give her the proper view. He glanced down at the blue jeans he was wearing, finding the denim pants one of the few enjoyable muggle inventions. He'd received this pair as a joke for his birthday two years before, his friends thinking it hilarious to buy him only muggle made items that year. He'd not seen the humor to it, having no dislike of muggles but no particular fondness, either. Weasley had given him some horrible shirt with bright flowers that he had disposed of immediately. Granger had given him books, which he had gotten some enjoyment from. And Potter had given him blue jeans. Draco had loved the soft material of the denim, ending up buying himself several pairs. It didn't hurt that they molded his body in such a way that never failed to earn him a second or even third look whenever he wore them, Granger herself admitting that he wore them well. He had chosen a well worn pair for today, hoping that Willow noticed the way the material molded his arse, a very nice arse if he did say so himself, and clung to his legs in a way that he had been told was very sexy. He'd paired the jeans with a plain white shirt, deliberately leaving the buttons unfastened so that it displayed his chest in hopes that Willow would not be able to resist the impulse to run her fingernails down the muscular flesh.

He moved away from the door and sat down, positioning himself in such a way that Willow would see him as soon as she left her room. He put his legs on the table, positioning them with one knee bent and the other leg straight. The bending of his knee pulled the denim across his crotch, drawing attention to the bulge between his legs. He smiled as he realized how much fun he was having, planning Willow's casual seduction. He moved his hands down the front of the shirt, spreading both sides so that his chest was clearly displayed but in a natural way, as though he'd just sat down and his shirt had opened. He moved his right hand to his hair, moving his fingers through the pale blond strands and ruffling the length that fell against his neck, giving himself a tousled look that he knew Willow found sexy, having listened to her talk about damn sexy he was with his hair loose and wild before she'd kissed him and straddled him. He cleared his throat, pushing the memories away as he decided that he didn't need to be aroused when she came out of her room, having little doubts that his first sight of her would be arousing enough.

Finally, he heard her leave the bathroom. He held his position for several minutes, the Daily Prophet open to give the idea that he was reading the paper, and then she opened her door. Draco glanced up, his eyes lazily moving over her, noticing that she was wearing black jeans that fit well and a short sleeve dark green T-shirt that caressed the curve of her breasts before falling past her waist. She looked stunning, just woken up, her eyes sparkling with desire as she looked at him, taking in his carefully prepared position, lingering on his chest and his jeans before looking into his eyes. Suddenly, her eyes were almost shy, desire still in their green depths, along with curiosity and knowledge. She knew he wanted her, and she hadn't even had to go to the lengths to prepare the casual seduction scene. Draco slowly smiled, "Good morning, Willow. Did you sleep well?"

"As well as you, I'm sure, Draco," Willow smiled softly, acknowledging that sleep had been fleeting for her following their kiss and the scene in the bathroom. Goodness, it shouldn't be legal for someone to look so damn good in the morning, she decided as she looked at him. If you looked up sexy in the dictionary, she would bet you'd find a picture of Draco Malfoy wearing his worn blue jeans and that white shirt not yet buttoned and his hair loose and surrounding his gorgeous face in a way that made her hand itch to run her fingers through it.

"Toucha33;," Draco smiled, gesturing to the table where he had set up breakfast, "I had the house elves prepare some breakfast, if you're hungry."

"It looks delicious," Willow said as she moved to get a croissant and a glass of juice. She moved to sit in the chair opposite him, tucking her foot under her as she sat down. She nibbled on the croissant as she looked at him, wondering what he was going to do. She wasn't stupid enough to think that he'd not heard her words the previous evening and failed to realize that she had figured out his game and was now participating, but she didn't know him well enough to predict what he would do with that knowledge. As it was, she'd woken up to find him reading the paper, breakfast waiting for her, his eyes lusty but his smile casual and friendly. A part of her was a bit disappointed that he'd not showered with her, ignoring her words of forgetting what had happened and just shagging her for hours and hours. Another part of her was relieved that he'd not pursued it, nervous about her new job and not ready to try to balance a sexual relationship with someone she didn't even really know along with trying to learn what she needed to know to become a proper professor. And another part of her, causing Willow to wonder if having numerous voices inside her head was normal or a result of living on a Hellmouth for her entire life, was excited about learning everything to do a good job in her new position as well as at the idea of playing a game of seduction with Draco.

"I thought we would start slow today, begin your orientation by finding out what you already know so that I don't waste time repeating things you're familiar with," Draco explained as he lowered his paper and caught her staring at him thoughtfully. He saw the pleasure in her eyes as he spoke about his plans, realizing that she was eager to learn about his world and her new job, smiling softly at the enthusiasm that caused her to smile such a lovely smile.

"I can tell you now that I don't really know anything about wizards and such," Willow confessed, "I learned magic on my own, from books and a friend that had some prior training. I've never used a wand, I didn't have any idea there were schools for magic until Dumbledore contacted me about the position, I've only been practicing since I was seventeen, though I've been told that I'm a natural and my power is part of who I am. There are some things that I probably know, but maybe under a different name, and there is a lot that I'm sure I've never even heard of. I learn quickly, though."

"What experience do you have for teaching DADA?" Draco asked curiously, finding it odd that Dumbledore would have offered the position to someone who had only been practicing for such a short time and had never had formal training.

"What experience do you have for teaching Potions?" she asked with an arched brow, not offended by his question but trying to think of the best way in which to answer it.

"I attended Hogwarts for seven years, fought in the War against Voldemort, studied with Professor Snape for a couple terms, and earned the position when he retired because I was the best potions student he's ever had," Draco said simply, a slight smile on his face as he replied.

"Hmm, let's see," Willow said thoughtfully as she decided to reply honestly, "I spent over eight years fighting demons and vampires on the Hellmouth with Buffy, my best friend who happens to be the slayer. During that time, I helped prevent the world from ending numerous times, successfully held my own against a variety of nasty and evil creatures, brought Buffy back from the dead, resouled a vampire who is a friend of mine, had a brief mishap with some very dark magic and nearly ended the world after killing the man that murdered my lover, released the power for all potential slayers, and helped defeat the First, this big evil that ended up sucking my entire town into Hell before we won." Willow paused for a moment, seeing the surprise in his pretty gray eyes, rather proud of herself for being completely honest with him, seeing that he was accepting what she had said with curiosity and interest. She leaned back and smiled innocently as she said, "I'm guessing Dumbledore thought that was enough experience to teach this DADA class even if I can't use a wand."

Draco studied her for a moment, trying to take in everything she'd just told him. A hellmouth! He'd heard about those in his DADA class, along with stories of slayers and demons. This beautiful redhead had lived it, had fought creatures unlike any he'd ever heard of. He'd seen the flash of regret in her eyes as she'd mentioned her experience with dark magic, she'd killed a man that had murdered her lover. He'd killed during the War, cursing several people, finally dealing with the guilt of ending someone's life, even a Death Eater's, and accepting his actions. It would appear that Willow had also accepted her actions, something else they had in common. He was curious about her past, wanting to know what it was like to face real vampires and demons, but he assumed he'd learn more in time, as they got to know each other. He leaned back and looked at her, his gray eyes flashing with amusement as he arched a brow, his eyes playfully leering at her as he said smugly, "So, you can't use a wand? Strange, I don't remember having any complaints the other night."


Draco playfully leered as he smiled smugly, "So, you can't use a wand? Strange, I don't remember having any complaints the other night."

Willow arched a brow at his words, her lips twisting into an amused smile as she said, "I'm not sure whether to consider that a compliment or to laugh because it was so darn corny."

"Malfoys are not corny," Draco informed her loftily, his gray eyes amused as she laughed.

"I suppose then that I should thank you for the compliment," Willow laughed, her cheeks blushing slightly as she though over what he'd said. Teasingly, she added, "It helped that I had such a large wand to play with."

"Did you never learn that size does not matter, it is how well you use it? For that reason, I fear I must not accept credit for your expertise," Draco said with a smug smile, pleased that she found his size satisfying, having resisted the urge to take the flirty conversation to a different level by giving her permission to play with his large *wand* anytime that she wished. He had not, though, knowing that such a statement might ruin the lighthearted mood they were enjoying at the moment. It was rather fun flirting with her and teasing, this not being an activity he engaged in with his previous lovers.

"Thank you," Willow said softly, her green eyes shining with pleasure as she took a nibble of her croissant. This morning had not been at all what she had expected, and she was grateful to Draco for being so thoughtful to have breakfast waiting and it didn't hurt that he looked very sexy in those blue jeans.

"For what?" he asked with a curious expression, not sure why they had moved from her being good in bed to her thanking him.

"For this morning. I was really nervous about my first day of official training and the tension between us because of that night we shared and I wasn't sure what would happen today," she admitted quietly, having spent many hours the previous evening worried about just that.

"I want you, Willow, and won't pretend that the night we shared together was anything other than amazing. I also won't ignore the attraction that is still there every time I look at you or see you, but I am a professional. I was assigned the responsibility of teaching you what you need to know before classes start and that is what I intend to do," he said sharply, a bit annoyed that she had doubts he'd use their intended orientation time for his game.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, their teasing mood fading as she realized she had somehow insulted him with her honest concerns about their working together so closely. "I didn't mean."

"No, it is my fault," he interrupted harshly, "I have given you no reason to trust me, have I? Since we met again, I've done my best to seduce you and fluster you."

"I trust you, Draco," Willow said sincerely, "you were there that night, you know what we shared. I could have never given myself to you so freely if I didn't trust you."

"Then why would you doubt that I would act responsibly this morning?" he asked.

"It wasn't you that I was worried about," Willow confessed, "I'm worried that I am in over my head, as the saying goes. I know nothing about this community and here I am about to start teaching. I'm scared to death that I'm going to mess everything up and be fired because I'm not good enough."

"That's the reason you're worried?" he slowly smiled, relief flashing in his eyes. He'd not liked the idea that she'd not trusted him, knowing that he'd never do anything to hurt his redhead. She was insecure about her own talent, something that was ridiculous, but did not concern her opinion of him. He studied her a moment, seeing the real woman behind the confidence and beauty, knowing that she was anxious and apprehensive and had no faith in her own abilities. He leaned over and took her hand, surprising her as he squeezed it gently, "You're going to be the best DADA professor this school has ever seen, Willow. After all, you have me as your mentor!"

Willow laughed softly as she heard his words, seeing the sincerity in his eyes, knowing that he believed she was capable of performing her new job. She felt her confidence returning, a smile crossing her face as she said, "You're right. I have a wonderful mentor and the knowledge to successfully teach this class, even if I'm not entirely certain about this wizarding stuff."

"You will before classes begin," he smiled, "I promise. I'll teach you everything you need to know. Now, no more insecurity and doubts! I want conviction and confidence. Repeat after me, I am going to kick arse."

"I am going to kick arse," Willow repeated with a giggle, not resisting the urge she felt at the moment. She leaned over and brushed her lips lightly against his lips, moving her arms around him to give him a hug before pulling back. She smiled tenderly as she saw the surprise in his gray eyes, whispering, "Thank you."

"Yes, well, we should finish breakfast and then we can begin your training," Draco said as smoothly as possibly. She'd kissed him. Gentle and sweet, her lips just barely brushing against his own. And she'd hugged him. He couldn't recall the last time he'd been hugged in such an affectionate manner, not entirely certain that he ever had been. He liked it, feeling her arms around him, her warmth embracing him. He wanted another hug, he decided. The gesture innocent and intimate and loving, and the kiss had been so soft and charming. He'd enjoyed all of their kisses, passionate and needy and explorative and heated, but this gentle kiss was different. There had been the need and desire, certainly, but there had also been something more, something that he did not recognize. He still wanted her in his bed, fully intending to continue their game of seduction whenever possible, but he was beginning to want more than just her in his bed. He watched her eat, his gray eyes thoughtful and bewildered as he wondered what exactly had happened between them and what these weird feelings he was experiencing meant.


After breakfast was finished, Draco had given Willow a thorough tour of the school. She had been shown around by Dumbledore the previous day, but Draco doubted the Headmaster had given her a complete tour. He had been proven correct in his assumption when Willow admitted that the majority of the tour with Dumbledore had been him talking about various stories of the past of the school. She'd enjoyed listening to the elderly wizard, fascinated by his tales of Hogwarts' past, but she had not seen everything that Draco seemed convinced she should see. So, their tour began. He took her all over the school, showing her his classroom with pride and then taking her to her classroom, which was also in the dungeons and not far from his Potions class.

The redhead had loved her classroom, standing for several moments at the front of the class and simply looking at the empty tables. She couldn't wait to begin teaching, though she was nervous, and already had some ideas of how to decorate her rather drafty classroom. If the dungeon was always this chilly, she could see why Draco had jumped at the chance to get a room elsewhere. She'd caught Draco watching her as she'd stood in front of her imaginary class, a bit embarrassed at him seeing her reaction, but he'd smiled softly and admitted that he'd spent the first week before his first term as a Professor teaching to an empty class just to make sure he would be ready for his first day in his new position. She'd relaxed after that, seeing the surprise in his gray eyes as he'd told her that secret and realizing that he had not intended to tell her something that no one else must know.

"You're not listening to me, Willow," Draco teased softly as he saw the thoughtful expression on the redhead's pretty face.

"Sorry," Willow smiled sheepishly as she looked at him. He was standing against a tree, the sun behind him, turning his pale blond hair into a halo of white gold framing his beautiful face. His gray eyes were gleaming with amusement, affection, need and desire, emotions that always seemed to be present whenever he was looking at her. His lips were curled into that smirk that sent shockwaves of arousal throughout her body. Willow looked around, seeing that they were completely alone. He'd been showing her the grounds, taking her by the lake and showing her the Forbidden Forest, complete with warnings, and they were headed from the forest to the Quidditch Field, where he was going to try to explain the game to her.

They'd spent all morning and afternoon being professional, the tour and questions and other orientation activities, and now Willow found herself wanting to be a little unprofessional. Just a kiss. One simple little kiss then they could go see the sport field. It wasn't part of the game, both having agreed to not let that interfere with their jobs, but she couldn't resist kissing him when he was smirking at her in that sexy manner and looking a bit like a fallen angel meant for her. She moved forward, her hand moving behind his head, tangling in his loose blond locks and pulling his head down. Their lips met, gently at first, his eyes flashing surprise before he groaned and moved his hands behind her back, pulling her against him.

They shouldn't be doing this, that thought entered Draco's mind but was easily forgotten as Willow's tongue moved along his lips. He opened his mouth, allowing her entrance as his own tongue swept into her warm mouth. He moved his hand down to cup her arse, squeezing her flesh as he moved his leg behind hers. He felt himself hardening even more, which was saying something since he'd practically been half hard since first seeing her that morning, and he moaned low in his throat when he felt her hand move down to pinch his own arse. The attraction between them flared as they kissed, their hands touching everywhere, her fingernails scraping against his back as her hands moved beneath his shirt. He needed her so badly, wanted to sink inside her, pull her against him and never let go. He moved his hand to the waist of her jeans, his fingers unfastening the button, his knuckles brushing against her flat stomach. His hand slid inside her pants, his tongue dancing with hers as he moved his finger between her legs, feeling her wetness and hearing her gasp at the touch of his fingers.

"Draco," Willow moaned, feeling his fingers playing with her before his lips caught hers. They shouldn't be doing this, she thought before she felt his finger slide inside her wetness, not able to think of anything after that. She wanted him desperately, had wanted him since that night at Serendipity, her hands moving to the front of his jeans, cupping his erection through the denim, hearing him moan as he suddenly moved them, pushing her against the tree as his fingers began to move deeper, his mouth never leaving hers as he slowly began to build up the tension. It wasn't long before she tore her mouth from his, crying out his name against his shoulder as she came, drenching his hand and her panties with her release. With ragged breaths, Willow raised her head and looked into his eyes, her hands moving to unfasten his jeans to return the favor as her lips curved into a wicked smile. She was surprised when his hand moved to stop her, seeing the need in his gray eyes and knowing from the evidence pushing against her that he wanted her.

"No, Willow," Draco said softly, moving her hand from the button on his jeans. He looked deep into her green eyes, admitting, "I didn't plan for that happen."

"I'm the one that kissed you," Willow reminded softly, her body reacting to the sensual smile that crossed his handsome face at her words.

"Why did you do that?" he asked quietly, wanting, needing to know.

"It wasn't because of the game," she told him, seeing the relief flash in his eyes, smiling as she said, "I thought it would just be a simple kiss. I've wanted to kiss you all day, since I saw you sitting on the sofa looking all sexy and wicked. I just wanted to kiss you, Draco, that's all. We were having such a good day, it's been fun and I've learned a lot and you looked so good with the sun behind you and I just couldn't resist any longer."

"I'm glad you couldn't resist," he told her, leaning forward and brushing his lips gently against hers, pulling back before it could become something more than just a kiss.

"You didn't, I mean, you're still," Willow could feel the heat in her cheeks, cursing herself for being able to practically shag Draco against a tree with his fingers buried inside her but still blush when she was trying to ask if she could return the favor since he was still very aroused.

"This was for you, love," Draco told her, knowing that he wouldn't last at all if she touched him, that he'd pull her jeans and knickers down and take her against the bloody tree if he was freed from his jeans. While he was relieved that her actions were not part of their game, he couldn't very well shag his girl in the middle of the afternoon against a tree. "I'll be okay."

"But, I want to," she protested, seeing the look of lust flash in his eyes before he moved back a step, pulling his hands from her jeans. She could see the wetness glistening on his fingers, her eyes widening slightly as she realized what had just happened. She'd known, a part of her had known, her body still trembling from the pleasure he had given her with his hands and his mouth, but she'd not actually stopped to think about, too preoccupied with her need for him, his closeness, the way he smelled, wanting him desperately. She watched as he moved his hand to his mouth, that sinful tongue licking her juices from his hand as his eyes remained on hers. He moaned, savoring the taste, causing her to lean against the tree for support, passion in her green eyes as she watched him.

"You taste so good, Willow," Draco murmured before licking the remaining juice from his hand. He looked into her eyes, smiling as he said, "Perhaps it is now time to teach you the finer points of Quidditch."

"Draco, please let me," Willow's eyes looked down at the large bulge pressing against his jeans before looking back into his eyes. She didn't understand why he was refusing her. It was obvious that he wanted her and she was willing. Okay, so it was a bit daring doing what they'd been doing outside like this, but the grounds were empty, and they were both consenting adults.

"Willow, if you touch me I'm going to shag you right here, on the ground or against the bloody tree," Draco said softly, his eyes flashing with desire, "and, as much as I like a new experience, I don't think it's what we should do right now. I respect you and I was listening to you when you said you wanted to learn what you needed to succeed in your job. I want you, as we've established, and I fully intend to continue playing our game. But, at this moment, I wanted to give you pleasure without thought of my own. Let's consider this a right good snog, okay?"

"Okay," Willow said as she fastened her jeans, her lips curved into a soft smile as she realized that he was right. They couldn't very well just shag against the tree, no matter how tempting the idea. She looked at him, catching his eyes as she said, "Thank you for having more control than I did."

"More control?" he snorted, rolling his eyes as he smiled sheepishly, "Willow, I turned your simple kiss into a snog that would cause most people to blush. Where you are concerned, my beautiful redhead, my famous control is practically non-existent."

"Really?" Willow smiled brightly as she moved towards him, her hand moving across the front of his jeans as she looked into his eyes, "I owe you, Draco Malfoy. And I never forget my debts."

"Willow," he moaned softly as she caressed him through his jeans, having no doubt in his mind what she meant when she saw she owed him, arousal flashing in his gray eyes as he imagined how she would repay such a debt and when he could look forward to such an event.

Willow smiled innocently as she stepped away from him, taking his hand and starting to walk towards their destination, "Draco, will you show me the Quidditch field now? And then you can explain what the heck the sport is because I've never heard of it before."


"So a seeker has to fly around and try to catch that flying thingy?" Willow asked as she finally began to understand the game of Quidditch. Draco had explained it all to her, rather patiently considering she had no idea what he was talking about, and she'd been a bit distracted by how sexy he looked when he was talking about something he enjoyed with so much passion and enthusiasm. He definitely loved this game, smiling and getting all technical on details that were completely over her head and looking so cute when he'd catch himself being too excited about some point or another. He'd smile the most adorable sheepish smile and then try to go back to being teacherly reserved guy. She loved his description of the game and found him to be a fantastic mentor on every topic they'd discussed regarding the wizarding world, knowing without a doubt that he was an excellent professor. Not to mention gorgeous and sexy and, stop it Willow, she scolded mentally, concentrating on the Quidditch lesson instead of how irresistible the man beside her was.

"Flying thingy?" Draco repeated with an arched brow, his lips curved into an affectionate smile as Willow laughed. He said, "Close enough."

"It sounds exciting," Willow decided, smiling as she added, "I'm looking forward to seeing a match played. Goodness, I can't believe you really fly around on brooms."

"Well, I can't believe you've never flown before," Draco replied with a slight smirk, "I've been flying since I was able to walk! My Father bought me my first broom for my fifth birthday."

"Wasn't that dangerous with you being so young?" she asked curiously, a slight smile crossing her lips as she imagined a five-year-old Draco flying around his broom and getting into mischief.

"I fell a few times, of course, but soon learned how to fly expertly," Draco shrugged, his gray eyes growing thoughtful as he mused, "I never considered it dangerous. My Father expected me to fly, I learned how to fly. There were many things that I did when I was younger because he expected it, and I never questioned them. I learned how to fly, I learned the Dark Arts, I spied on my classmates, I started trouble whenever told, I did everything he ever asked, but it was never good enough. Finally, I stopped trying to please him and began to think about what I wanted, what I believed, what made me happy. I loved my Father, Willow, and he did love me, even if he does sound like a tough and uncaring man to many. He died fighting for what he believed in, and I can not judge him even if I disagree with his beliefs."

Draco was lost in memories as he spoke softly, his gray eyes looking at the Quidditch field as he vocalized his thoughts for the first time. He felt a warm hand take his and squeeze, shaking his head slightly as he turned and looked at Willow. She was listening to him, her green eyes compassionate and understanding, and he felt himself relax as he was finally able to talk about Lucius Malfoy to someone that did not automatically judge him as an evil bastard and refuse to think differently. His Father was not a good man by any means, being a bit of a monster in many ways by the time he died, but he was not necessarily a bad man, either. Draco was not unhappy to see him die, but he had mourned for the loss of the man that had been his Father.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, giving her a sheepish smile, "I had no intentions of ruining our pleasant afternoon by discussing my Father and my childhood."

"I want to know everything about you, Draco Malfoy," Willow confessed quietly as she looked into his eyes, "I'm not sorry that you opened up to me and shared your feelings regarding your Father. We're friends and I'm here to listen anytime you want to talk."

"Thank you," he whispered as he saw the sincerity in her green eyes. He leaned towards her, briefly touching his lips over her, his arm moving behind her and bringing her soft body against his. He hugged her, inhaling the scent of her hair and skin, enjoying the feel of their embrace. It wasn't sexual, even with the underlying attraction and passion that both of them had acknowledged, but it was comforting and affectionate. Pulling back from the impromptu hug, he brushed his fingers over her cheek, his lips curving into a tempting smile as he asked, "Do you want to fly with me?"

"Yes," Willow whispered, not at all sure what had just happened but feeling as if something had changed between them. They'd taken another step forward, but towards what? She wasn't foolish enough to think it was love. It couldn't be! They'd only known each other a couple of days. Love took time to develop, to grow. She wasn't a believer in love at first sight, finding the idea romantic but not likely. Lust at first sight, yes, but not love. When she had first looked into Draco's eyes at Serendipity, she had felt instant attraction and need and desire. She had left him after a night of reckless passion, never expecting to see him again. Had it been love at first sight, surely she wouldn't have been able to leave him like that. After spending the entire day with him, talking and laughing and teasing and flirting, well, her feelings were moving beyond pure lust to something far more complex and complicated.

She liked him, found him attractive and intelligent and amusing, even found his sulking sex and his sarcastic snarkiness arousing. She hadn't been lying when she told him that she wanted to know everything about him, just as she wanted him to know everything about her. His musings about his Father and the fact that he trusted her to talk about that area of his past meant a lot to her. Like their discussion at breakfast and even their snogging, as he'd described it, by the tree, it felt like a natural progression in their relationship. Yes, she was now using the word relationship to describe what was happening between her and Draco Malfoy. She couldn't deny that she wanted him, couldn't deny that he was beginning to mean something to her, couldn't deny that she could very well fall in love with him if given the chance.

As he said, they were both professional enough to keep their working relationship separate from their private relationship, so she had decided to stop trying to ignore what she felt, what he made her feel. She planned on continuing his game, finding it arousing and fun and sexy, but she could no longer believe that what was happening between them was just lust or a seductive game. It was too early to call it love, but she couldn't help feeling as if they were what they were moving towards. The belief that she could love Draco, that he might could love her, felt right, somehow, as if it were, indeed, meant to be. Goodness, she was sounding like some sappy romantic, she decided, concentrating instead on the way Draco was smiling at her agreement to fly with him, seemingly pleased that she trusted him enough to ignore her fear at the idea of flying around on a broom to go flying with him.

"I won't let anything happen to you," he assured her, his lips curving into a smirk as he added, "After all, I am one of the best fliers around."

"Not *the* best?" she asked with an amused smile, finding his confidence and arrogance just as sexy as she had since meeting him.

"Well, I was trying to be a bit modest," he smiled smugly as he took her hand and started towards the Quidditch field. He said, "I love flying, as I've mentioned, so my broom is the latest model, the best available, of course."

"Of course," Willow smiled, asking, "Do you need to get it from the room?"

"I coach the Slytherin Quidditch team so it's in my private office at the Slytherin team quarters," he told her, his gray eyes flashing with pride as he mentioned coaching his House team. He looked at her, smiling as he said, "I'll be right back, and then I'll take you flying."


End of Part 13