Bertram Wilkes is a stupid man. He’s been given an opportunity that many covet, yet he refuses to kneel for Lord Voldemort. Bellatrix is only seventeen, but she’s smart enough to know what the future of their world needs to be and who can bring about the necessary changes to preserve their ways and strengthen their bloodlines. It’s only been two weeks since she knelt on the damp grass and offered her arm to her lord, not flinching once as she accepted his mark and pledged her devotion to him. Grown men cried out in pain, shook and shuddered as they acquired their marks, but she remained stoic and kept her head held high.
It’s that display of devotion that has earned her this assignment. Their lord values loyalty, and he rewards those who prove their worth. She’s been sent to deal with Wilkes, a Slytherin who should know better but spews nonsense about war and defeat if they follow their chosen path. She’s working with Rodolphus Lestrange, a fellow Slytherin who keeps to himself and stays out of her way at school, and Maurice Harkins, another loyal servant to their lord who is the only one finished with school and acts as if that earns him the right to be in charge.
Age and school mean nothing in their world. Lord Voldemort chose her for this, and she isn’t going to disappoint him. Harkins is still talking, trying to bargain with a man who has expressed disrespect and contempt for their lord, and she’s had enough. It’s easier than she even expects to step forward and raise her wand, the unforgivable spilling from her lips in a husky rasp that floats through the air until it wraps around Wilkes. There’s a rush of power that spreads through her as she watches him start to seize, twitching and screaming as her crucio shows him who is really in charge of this meeting. Negotiations are concluded, and he is now going to be an example for any others who consider rejecting Lord Voldemort’s cause.
Bellatrix steps closer to him, whispering the unforgivable into the air, smiling as he screams even louder this time. Harkins is showing his true colors, trying to make her stop, but she ignores him. Their lord told her to gain an ally or destroy an enemy, and she is going to return to him successful. When Harkins stops his pathetic whinging, she finally glances his way, surprised to see him lying on the ground at Lestrange’s feet. Lestrange has a spark in his eyes when he looks at her, and she’s struck by how handsome he looks in the pale glow of moonlight. His lips curve into a smile that urges her on, and she returns the smile before turning back to Wilkes.
There’s no point on keeping track of how many times she murmurs the curse. Each time makes her feel that same rush of power, and she doesn’t question why her nipples are hard or why she feels dampness gathering between her legs. Lestrange is behind her now, staring over her shoulder as she carries out her mission for their lord. Lestrange doesn’t have to say a word for her to know he is enjoying this as much as she is; it’s evident in the way his breath catches at a particularly violent twitch and the way he stands so still every time she whispers into the night’s air.
Wilkes eventually stops screaming, his body no longer twitching, blood dripping from his lips as he flops around in the air. It’s disappointing that he doesn’t last longer, and she distantly realizes he’s dead when she lowers her wand and his body falls to the ground with a heavy thud. When Lestrange kisses her, she bites at his mouth, pulling his long dark hair as they fall to the ground beside her first kill. He is rubbing against her, arousal evident as he presses his erection into her thigh, and she feels the same arousal, passion and desire overtaking her as she rolls them, knocking into Wilkes’ body.
She rips buttons off Lestrange’s robe, freeing him from his trousers as he reaches beneath her robes and tugs her knickers to the side. There’s so much slick between her legs that his fingers slide against her skin, and she sinks down on him, groaning as she’s filled so fully. Wilkes’ body is right there beside them as they fuck, and she laughs as she looks at it, tilting her head back and riding Lestrange even harder. When she feels fingers against her mouth, she parts her lips, licking at them and tasting bitter copper.
Looking down, she sees that Lestrange has used a sharp rock to slice open Wilkes’ face, smearing blood on his fingers. She tightens her cunt around him at that realization, leaning down to kiss him, sucking on his tongue as she takes what she wants from him. When it’s over, after they’ve both come, she watches him curiously, the taste of come and blood still on her lips. There is something about him that draws her attention now, after years of overlooking him and ignoring the quietly handsome wizard. He is looking at her, too, and she still feels the hum of her kill in her skin, the tingle of power in her veins.
They leave Harkins there on the ground, having no use for someone so weak, and they return to their lord. He is displeased with Harkins yet praises her for her devotion and loyalty. He talks about his plans, about her part in them, about Lestrange’s allegiance, and she is excited to think of the future. As they kneel before him, Lestrange’s hand finds hers, and she smiles.
The world is theirs for the taking.
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