“Oh, stop your nagging, Hermione.” Pansy frowns as she looks in the trolley. “You said to buy things we need.”
“I meant veg or fruits. We don’t need sweets.” Hermione shakes her head. “You don’t even like ice cream.”
“It was there, and you do like it, Miss Don’t Need Sweets,” she says sharply. She isn’t about to admit that she is overwhelmed by all the aisles in Tesco and the muggles crowding her. This is only her second time at the supermarket, and Hermione has the gall to leave her on her own while she wanders off to buy chicken and pork.
“And the lollipops?” Hermione arches a brow and looks at her.
“The Muggles were buying them, so I thought I should,” she tells her defensively. “Something about a sale.”
“We’ll keep the ice cream, but I don’t think either of us are going to want to eat the lollipops, are we?” Hermione is less condescending now, and Pansy’s glad because she really doesn’t want to hex her lover in the middle of a Muggle supermarket.
Pansy huffs at her but refuses to answer because she’d have to admit that she had no intention of eating sugary lollipops. She prefers to do her shopping in Diagon Alley, but this place is close to Hermione’s cottage, and the choices are much better than the shops in Diagon Alley. No, not Hermione’s cottage. Their cottage. It’s only been a week since Pansy moved in, so she still isn’t used to being in a relationship serious enough for them to do grocery shopping together or to bicker in the supermarket like a normal couple.
“I’m sorry,” Hermione murmurs, bumping her hip against Pansy’s and smiling slightly. “I sometimes forget that you’re not used to this.”
“If you ever leave me wandering along again in Tesco, I’m going to tease you for hours and not let you come. Understood?” she asks, giving Hermione her own look to make sure they’re clear.
“If you’re going to threaten me with something, it should be with something I wouldn’t enjoy.” Hermione leans in to kiss her lightly. “But I understand what you mean. Why don’t we go look at the fruits and veg together?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t enjoy it if I was focusing on my pleasure and not giving you any release, darling.” Pansy hmphs but smiles when Hermione takes her hand and squeezes it. She sighs dramatically and rolls her eyes even as she pushes the trolley in the direction of the produce section. “I suppose…if we must.”
Slightly Overwhelmed
Story Notes: