Kiss by inell
Summary: It happens so fast
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Harry Pairings Characters: Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 109 Read: 1365 Published: 16 Aug 2014 Updated: 16 Aug 2014

1. Chapter 1 by inell

Chapter 1 by inell
It happens so fast that Ginny doesn’t have time to pinch her arm to make sure that this is real. One minute, she’s laughing with her friends. The next, Harry’s pulling her against him and kissing her. It isn’t the best kiss that she’s ever had - he bumps her nose and it’s too wet - but it’s the kiss that she’s dreamed about since she was a child. When Harry lets her go, she notices Ron glaring, which works better than a pinch. Harry looks like he wants to kiss her again, so she kisses him first this time.

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