Other Results: 9 ePub eBooks
[ Reviews ]
Summary: AU - Willow, Faith, and a couple of friends move to New Orleans to start over after the events of Season 7 BtVS and Season 4 AtS
Categories: BTVS/Angel > Willow/Spike
Characters: Angel(us), Charles Gunn, Faith Lehane, Lindsey McDonald, Lorne, OFC, OMC, Spike, Willow Rosenberg
Warnings: Abandoned Fic
Status: Closed
Categories: BTVS/Angel > Willow/Spike
Characters: Angel(us), Charles Gunn, Faith Lehane, Lindsey McDonald, Lorne, OFC, OMC, Spike, Willow Rosenberg
Warnings: Abandoned Fic
Status: Closed