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Other Results: 1 Series

Baking with the Malfoys by inell Rated: Any Age [ - ]
Summary: Some sort of normal every-day activity that shows how they care for each other
Categories: Harry Potter > Lucius/Narcissa
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 16 Aug 2014
Beauty by inell Rated: Adult [ - ]
Summary: His ideas of beauty change [Lucius/Naricssa, Narcissa/Lucius/Hermione]
Categories: Harry Potter > Lucius/Narcissa, Harry Potter > Hermione/Lucius, Harry Potter > Other Threesomes & Moresomes
Characters: Hermione Granger, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 18 Aug 2014
Beneath the Willow Tree by inell Rated: Adult [ - ]
Summary: The Willow tree has seen many things in its lifetime. [Tom/Minerva, Lucius/Narcissa, Hermione/Viktor]
Categories: Harry Potter > Hermione/Viktor, Harry Potter > Lucius/Narcissa, Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Viktor Krum
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Under Age 16
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 17 Aug 2014
Broken by inell Rated: Any Age [ - ]
Summary: The prison is in ruins
Categories: Harry Potter > Gen Fic
Characters: Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy
Warnings: Major Character Death
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 17 Aug 2014