Stories Available as ePub eBooks
Other Results: 2 Series
Summary: Hugo is a good cousin and gives her what she needs
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Lily Luna Potter
Warnings: Incest
Completed: Yes
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Lily Luna Potter
Warnings: Incest
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 31 Oct 2014
Summary: Hugo does a good deed. [Hugo/Tracey Davis]
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Other Canon Character
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Other Canon Character
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 23 Oct 2014
Summary: Hugo has a cunningly sly plan
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Lily Luna Potter
Warnings: Incest
Completed: Yes
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Lily Luna Potter
Warnings: Incest
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 16 Oct 2014
Summary: Hugo and Rose come home from their weekend with Ron
Categories: Harry Potter > Hermione/Teddy
Characters: Hermione Granger, Hugo Weasley, Rose Weasley
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
Categories: Harry Potter > Hermione/Teddy
Characters: Hermione Granger, Hugo Weasley, Rose Weasley
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 17 Aug 2014
Summary: Ron and Hugo come home
Categories: Harry Potter > Hermione/Teddy
Characters: Hermione Granger, Hugo Weasley, Ron Weasley, Teddy Lupin
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
Categories: Harry Potter > Hermione/Teddy
Characters: Hermione Granger, Hugo Weasley, Ron Weasley, Teddy Lupin
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 17 Aug 2014
Summary: Hugo doubts this is what Lily intended when she suggested they go on an adventure
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Lily Luna Potter
Warnings: Incest, Under Age 16
Completed: Yes
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Lily Luna Potter
Warnings: Incest, Under Age 16
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 30 Nov 2014
Summary: Hugo meets a new client in Oxford.
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Penelope Clearwater
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
Categories: Harry Potter > Other Het Pairings
Characters: Hugo Weasley, Penelope Clearwater
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 20 Nov 2014
Summary: Teddy comes over for dinner, take two
Categories: Harry Potter > Hermione/Teddy
Characters: Hermione Granger, Hugo Weasley, Rose Weasley, Teddy Lupin
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
Categories: Harry Potter > Hermione/Teddy
Characters: Hermione Granger, Hugo Weasley, Rose Weasley, Teddy Lupin
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 17 Aug 2014